“yuo = fag0t” is only funny when GraveDigger uses it. The rest of you are unfunny poseurs.

Thank you, and have a pleasant afternoon.

And just to preempt the smartasses: yuo = fag0t

Damn, I thought it was cool to say it to gays.

The best way to make something totally unfunny is to run it into the ground. See: “stfu n00b”.

Actually, that was never funny.

You,gentleman,are truly a flaming homosexual

That’s “You, sir, are truly a flaming homosexual”, you turnip. yuo = fag0t.

I must admit to my part in the overusage of this wonderful phrase.


Yeah, but he stole it from gimpface.

Gimpface was great.

That phrase has been around since '99. All the same, I wish I could find the thread with the link to him trolling the chi/psi board. That was fucking golden.

I would have thought it was funny when I was 12 and before I knew any homosexuals and realized they are people too.,


Yes, but you’re a humourless confederate so no one cares what you think.

Haha, I see Stalin here is doing a good job of oppresing the pro-letariat. :qright2:

The South outside of the city of Atlanta and Fort Lauderdale is very anti-gay so I can’t blame my outlook on this on being Southern. In fact, pretty much every state that voted for Bush is anti-gay.

Including Ohio and Florida?

geys are people, too?
hmm. . .i have to rethink my whole outlook on humanity. . .need a little perspective on this. . .ha. . .hmmm. . .gayes are people. . .wow, who woulda thunk it? I, um. . . uhhhh. . .geez. hm. “those people” are actually people?

goes back into coma


I don’t know much about Ohio but Florida is split geographically like it’s own little country.

Growing up in the Southern Baptist church that was sure not the message we got… It was God will kill for masturbation and sodomites were these really wicked people that God destroyed a long time ago. My Father’s side of the family was Primitive Baptist - the ones who think the Southern Baptists are going to hell for being too liberal.

Yay for Catholicism.