Pse x force

Has anyone who bow hunts out there shot this bow yet? Pse makes some pretty impresive claims. I have been told that the speed claims are for real, so I’m wondering how the bow shoots?

The speed claims probably are for real…which is why I can’t afford all the new fancy bows: They’re too goddamn hard to tune! I just roll with my couple-years-old Martin. Yeah, it’s a little slower, but it works, and shoots pretty flat. Good luck, try a bowtech while you’re at it, my buddies love theirs.

I have heard nothing but good things about Bowtech. I do like my Outback, so it would take a pretty good bow to make me buy another. A really quiet smooth shooting 348 fps. maybe.
needs me one!

Speed does not contribute to difficulty in tuning.

Mega how’s that ol’e recurve treating you?

I put it down because I don’t have the time to run around the state shooting shit. I’ll start again sometime in January I guess, but I’m not sure if I’ll have the time in college.

Yeah I have’nt shot since sept. 4th. I got my deer early this year. But I am really starting to get the itch to shoot. I sent you a pm.

What State do you live in?


On youre profile I thought it said OH. Did you move to Cali. to go to school?

my profile is a lie