Pretentious MaartenSFS travelled 7,000 miles and is smarter than you in everything

Sanda/Sanshou are the same thing and how can you have both Mandarin and Cantonese in your style field at the same time???

I think I posted a shorter version of this video two or three years ago, though I can’t remember it clearly. Good stuff (As in hilarious) and NOTHING like Sanda or any martial ART. But for poor Chinese taxi cab drivers the random screaming and the craziness of it all probably helps them to get in the zone, as they are losing money every second they “train” there.

It’s sad to admit but this would be infinitely more useful than Wushu or TKD, which are the most available “MA” in China if they don’t dedicate themselves to studying Sanda.

Oh look! The pretentious Asiaphile has returned to educate us about shit he doesn’t even know about & criticize people when he’s the one who lacks a clue.

San soo

Shut the fuck up.

[quote=MaartenSFS;2182816]Sanda/Sanshou are the same thing and how can you have both Mandarin and Cantonese in your style field at the same time???

I think I posted a shorter version of this video two or three years ago, though I can’t remember it clearly. Good stuff (As in hilarious) and NOTHING like Sanda or any martial ART. But for poor Chinese taxi cab drivers the random screaming and the craziness of it all probably helps them to get in the zone, as they are losing money every second they “train” there.

It’s sad to admit but this would be infinitely more useful than Wushu or TKD, which are the most available “MA” in China if they don’t dedicate themselves to studying Sanda.[/quote]

What does a guy from Michigan know aobut China anyway?

[quote=DerAuslander108;2183337]Oh look! The pretentious Asiaphile has returned to educate us about shit he doesn’t even know about & criticize people when he’s the one who lacks a clue.

San soo

Shut the fuck up.

I don’t know even how to reply to that other than pointing out that you must use about .000001% of your brain to say that I’m pretentious.

At least a portion of this video I recognized as “Grandmaster” Chan’s monkey kung fu “tai shing pek kwar”. If I remember right, he moved from Hong Kong to Canada. He was trying for a couple years to discredit Paulie ZInk as to who had “teh real monkey” and he used the fact that his apeshit crazy students won tournaments in HK as proof.

As a side note if I remember right, Rudy Abel likes this guy’s monkey style as well.

First of all, not from Michigan… I was born and raised in Holland and Belgium and have also lived in several other countries including China, where I have just returned from and lived for over four years in various cities and studied and eventually started teaching martial arts for most of that duration, got married to a Chinese woman (who is still immigrating), witnessed a brutal sword attack, made a citizen’s arrest, became deathly ill for several months, learned to speak almost fluent Chinese, drove over 7.000km over mountains through jungle and villages on a motorcycle (without a driver’s license), on which I was stopped by a squad of military police with assualt rifles pointed at my face, took part in several caving expeditions as an interpreter where we were the first foreigners to have ever been to such remote locations where people couldn’t even speak Chinese let alone enter the caves, amongst countless other things. So, to answer your question: A LOT.

EDIT: And don’t ever try to call people out again when you are probably monolingual and your idea of adventure is an all-inclusive packaged tour with McDonald’s meals and the only martial art that exists is BJJ. Fucking ignorant people pissing me off today… SIGH

[quote=MaartenSFS;2183393]First of all, not from Michigan… I was born and raised in Holland and Belgium and have also lived in several other countries including China, where I have just returned from and lived for over four years in various cities and studied and eventually started teaching martial arts for most of that duration, got married to a Chinese woman (who is still immigrating), witnessed a brutal sword attack, made a citizen’s arrest, became deathly ill for several months, learned to speak almost fluent Chinese, drove over 7.000km over mountains through jungle and villages on a motorcycle (without a driver’s license), on which I was stopped by a squad of military police with assualt rifles pointed at my face, took part in several caving expeditions as an interpreter where we were the first foreigners to have ever been to such remote locations where people couldn’t even speak Chinese let alone enter the caves, amongst countless other things. So, to answer your question: A LOT.[/quote] Pretentious.

EDIT: And don’t ever try to call people out again when you are probably monolingual and your idea of adventure is an all-inclusive packaged tour with McDonald’s meals and the only martial art that exists is BJJ. Fucking ignorant people pissing me off today… SIGH

Sad really. Damn near everyone in this thread practices soemthing other than BJJ.


Hint: If you want someone to be wrong, don’t reinforce their assumptions.

[quote=It is Fake;2183409]Pretentious.

Sad really. Damn near everyone in this thread practices soemthing other than BJJ.


Hint: If you want someone to be wrong, don’t reinforce their assumptions.[/quote]

Uh… No.

Wouw, so if I make a moderator look like an idiot my reply gets deleted but if the moderators are arses to half of the world’s martial artists they are heard and revered??? My, what an accurate reflection of society. Very nice Der Auslander… If you orchestrated this you lose ALL of my respect, which should mean something to you but probably won’t as you only care what idiots think of you anyways.

How about you post on topic MaartenSFS?
I am stupified my this amazing “No Rules Fighting Technique” CMA video. - Page 4 - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

How about we travel back in time to:

Your Country Sucks 1.0: China - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

Did I say pretentious?

I meant racist.

I’m glad the replies are back up.

You know what, you are so wrong about me. I didn’t know the meaning of Yeller when I wrote that, I just heard it in films and thought it would be funny to say that. Oke, so you didn’t think it was funny, but 99% of the things that I wrote in that thread were true, despite the fact that you didn’t like the way that I said it, even the things in that thread or another about a lot of the Chinese men.

They say that if you don’t drink, smoke, gamble, and have a Xiao Laopo (mistress) that you are not a man. Not everyone was like that, but certainly a lot more than there should be. It is reinforced by society over there and seeing this with my own two eyes does NOT make a me a racist. If I was a racist I would have stayed in my own country and talked shit about Turkish and Morroccan immigrants like a lot of people there do. I would NOT travel accross the world to different countries, learn their languages and culture, study their martial arts, and marry one of their women so please stop with it and just let bygones by bygones.

Also remember that this was several years ago when I was still an arrogant little bastard (19 years old) and I don’t think exactly the same way anymore. These days I just like to spar a lot because that is where you find who you are and where you can become what you want to be. If I offended you in any way then I sincerely apologise if I was in error.

…but…but…but don’t you remember it was all one big joke…

The “yeller bastards” thing was just a joke, if you haven’t understood that by now. I am serious about what I say, but the way that I say it isn’t serious.

…which he shot down in the next sentence.

edit to add:

The posts were never down they were moved. You were impatient.

I am in no way, shape, or form pretentious for correcting someone’s Chinese. San Soo first of all either an incorrect spelling of Cantonese or some other dialect and is in fact the same characters as Sanshou, the correct romanised spelling. 散手 = Sanshou, 散打 = Sanda. Secondly some Chinese decided to immigrate to the U.S. and just called his/her style Sanshou, which is fine, even if he/she misspelled it. What is not fine is that people think San Soo is somehow special or different than any of the thousands of other teachers of Sanda/Sanshou in China that all come from various traditional backgrounds and have their own unique flavour. Sanshou = Sanda, San Soo = Sanshou = Sanda. Sanda is the oldest term used today and takes precedent. So don’t try to tell me that it’s different because it’s all the same fucking thing. Gracie Jujutsu is still Jujutsu. This is a fact.

[quote=It is Fake;2183457]…but…but…but don’t you remember it was all one big joke…

…which he shot down in the next sentence.

edit to add:

The posts were never down they were moved. You were impatient.[/quote]

Well, then I apologise for that. But you just don’t understand what my last sentence there meant. I was purely going for laughs and missed it by a mile. None of this which has anything to do with this thread so let’s go back to that as I have already apologised for that however many years ago that was and have nothing more to say about it.

Also remember that this was several years ago when I was still an arrogant little bastard (19 years old) and I don’t think exactly the same way anymore. These days I just like to spar a lot because that is where you find who you are and where you can become what you want to be. If I offended you in any way then I sincerely apologise if I was in error.

Sorry, I remember something quite different:

Now I’m almost twenty one years olde.

You say to me that you are THAT olde and STILL find the time to argue with a twenty one year olde “punk” like me? NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL SAD.

Look, you were told it would be in your best interest to leave and come back.

You did leave.

Yet, once again, you repeated how great you are, how everyone is wrong, and your life experiences make you better.

IMO You have learned nothing. That makes you pretetnious.

[quote=It is Fake;2183467]Sorry, I remember something quite different:

Look, you were told it would be in your best interest to leave and come back.

You did and repeated, once again, how great you are, how everyone is wrong, and your life experiences make you better.

IMO You have learned nothing.[/quote]

Whatever, it was still almost three years ago… I never said that I was so great but I will admit that my experiences have shaped me to become a better man. If you feel threatened by me perhaps that is something you need to deal with on your own.

Obviously you can’t just let it go and get on with your life and I just don’t know what to say to you anymore only that I feel sorry that you have so much hate inside you.


[quote=MaartenSFS;2183393]First of all, not from Michigan… I was born and raised in Holland and Belgium and have also lived in several other countries including China, where I have just returned from and lived for over four years in various cities and studied and eventually started teaching martial arts for most of that duration, got married to a Chinese woman (who is still immigrating), witnessed a brutal sword attack, made a citizen’s arrest, became deathly ill for several months, learned to speak almost fluent Chinese, drove over 7.000km over mountains through jungle and villages on a motorcycle (without a driver’s license), on which I was stopped by a squad of military police with assualt rifles pointed at my face, took part in several caving expeditions as an interpreter where we were the first foreigners to have ever been to such remote locations where people couldn’t even speak Chinese let alone enter the caves, amongst countless other things. So, to answer your question: A LOT.


And I am far from lacking in experience. Despite my age, I have been AROUND. Left “the nest” when I was quite young and have been independantly traveling, working, and studying MA since. I arrived in China when I was only eighteen, got married when I was nineteen. Lack of experience, my arse.

Now what exactly have you learned in your absence?

You corrected someone, arrogantly I might add, in a thread about Monkey Kung Fu. The fact you don’t see the issue at hand proves, your haven’t learned anything in you absence.

Like your hate for the “yeller bastards” as you call them?