I don’t agree that COMPETITION is a must to have excellent grappling or other martial art skills. Sparring in a controlled environment can develop you into a great fighter. Some martial artists do not believe in competition or comparing themselves with others, does this make them less of a martial artist? I don’t believe so. SOME people have had much experience on the street but never entered a tournament and can whip most competitors.
Usually when I’m drunk in San Francisco, I like to see how many strip clubs on Broadway I can get kicked out of.
Only last time, I was wearing a nice suit and a stetson,and the bouncers were reluctant to kick me out. So instead I decided to kick other people out. People listen when you wear a nice suit and a stetson. (and strippers really fall for the $20 Rolex I bought in Cinatown)
sighThis thread was the investigation. Get it? No one posted a thread saying “This guy is bullshit”. The thread topic was “This guy looks like he might or might not be bullshit. Anyone know? …OK, not bullshit, except for that Ph.D. crap.”
Would you feel better if all investigations were strictly confidential, and suspected frauds be tailed by highly trained Bullshido ninjas?
People that are browsing the internet for a school or to get information on an instructor can come across false information…
Such as…?
…Or simply get negative vibes from threads like this and that instructor will loose students over it when he/she did nothing wrong.
The only people who get negative vibes from an investigative thread with a positive verdict are people with poor reading comprehension skills. I’m sure the instructor won’t miss such people.