Police sergeant uses judo move to pin down burglar in parent’s home
WAKAYAMA – A burglar who unwittingly broke into a police officer’s family home in Kinokawa, Wakayama Prefecture, was arrested on the spot after the officer, a judo expert, arrived and pinned him down, police said.
Police said the arrested man, Katsufumi Komatsuzaki, broke into the family home of 59-year-old police sergeant Akio Katagawa in Kinokawa at about 11:10 a.m. on Tuesday.
After stealing coupons and other items, the 57-year-old burglar began rummaging about in the home, police said. While he was doing so, however, Katagawa turned up. The officer, who holds a second-degree black belt in judo, immediately pinned Komatsuzaki down using a judo hold, and handed him over to local police officers who arrested him on suspicion of theft.
“I was shocked when this big person came in and pinned me down – and doubly surprised when I heard that he was a police officer,” law enforcers quoted Komatsuzaki as saying.
Katagawa is about 180 centimeters tall. He also holds a third dan kendo ranking and had plenty of experience in apprehending suspects.
Investigators said Komatsuzaki had broken the window on a kitchen door to gain entry to the home. He allegedly stole 350 product vouchers and other items with a combined value of about 340,000 yen.
Katagawa had reportedly come to his parent’s home to tidy up after staying overnight on a work shift. (Mainichi)
Hilarious! Credit goes to JudoForum.com for the article.