Why I no longer train Poekoelan
I trained Poekoelan for about 4 years and passed my green sash test (a middle rank in the system). I started back before their current location when they were running out of local theater. I have no idea what the art or the school is like now but here is what it was like back in my day (from my point of view).
The school was heavily female dominated and had a large number of Lesbians in the upper ranks. As near as I can tell this had no impact on anything of significance. It just meant that it was likely that your instructor was a woman and not probably not interested in you if you were a man.
That said, there was a lot of sleeping around. That is not really surprising. We are talking about a whole bunch of 20 somethings who were in pretty good physical condition with about an equal balance of men and women (mid to lower ranks), sweating all over each other and then going out afterwards because - well, who else are you going to hang out with when you spend so many hours practicing an art like this?
In my day sparing was tough. I have boxing scars over both eyes from blows, broke my nose once and dislocated my shoulder. The most painful injury I ever took was a blow from a staff to my ulnar nerve. It still give me problems to this day (and I am in my late 40s). Tests were particularly tough with the testee fighting fresh fighter after fresh fighter to see if they could hold to their training when exhausted. I saw plenty of blood back in the day. Padding looked very much like modern MMA - light gloves with fingers free to grab and mouth guards - kicks and cups optional.
Was there a lot of woo-woo? I wouldn’t say a lot. More than some arts less than others. I never felt pressured to believe the stories. I saw them like biblical parables - there was usually some sort of moral or ethical point. There was meditation (standard to most arts), breath control (it worked well for me) but nothing beyond that.
Was there a cultish aspect to the school? Not that I could see. I mean if you think the boy scouts are cultish then sure. When I passed my green sash test I realized that I would have to devote even more time to the art if I wanted to advance. And I had other priorities. So I went into Janesa’s office and let her know that I thanked for what she taught me but I was done. She thanked me for being a good student, said I would be missed and that I was welcome back any time. That was it. Pretty weak for a “cult”.
Is the art a good combat art? pfh I dunno. Even at my peak I would not have wanted to have taken on a trained MMA fighter one on one. But I have (unfortunately) gotten into a few tussles post Poekoelan and I was able to quickly over power my opponents. I am 6’2" and about 210 so maybe it would have been the same if I had not trained but I don’t think so. Who knows? I know when I was training I was in the best shape of my life and was having a great time. I learned solid boundaries and strengthened my discipline. All lessons I have valued in the last 20 years.
I really don’t know what it is like now but I have nothing negative to say about it from my day. I met some very good, very open minded, very kind and very positive people. I helped out with women’s self defense classes (which made me feel good). The price was a standard per month fee (camps etc. were separate). I didn’t feel like they were milking me just charging for reasonable things (uniforms, equipment etc.)