A ninja displaying his ability to blend in with his surroundings.
Incredible!! The two ninjas manage to fight each other whilst blending in perfectly with the vine behind them, rendering them both invisible to the untrained eye.
A ninja displaying his ability to blend in with his surroundings.
Incredible!! The two ninjas manage to fight each other whilst blending in perfectly with the vine behind them, rendering them both invisible to the untrained eye.
teh str33t
Skeletor Rules!
This guy’s neck is a disaster:
Notice Hawkeye…
Alright Reese so you may have had me beat with the swords topic,
But for not much longer! I see your mullet-man with axe/hammer, and I raise you with…
and this!
I love it.
Edit: No direct linking…
oy vey (the ultimate grand master)
there are more inane and absurdly ridiculous photos there but i cant even… oh god… the humanity.
Hah! don’t be foolish
My gungfu is too strong.