Looks like it would work, but maybe with the kick and punch on the same side. Except this fellow is adjusting.
The “Dried flower” Society???
Some asshole deleted the best pic just because she forgot to do a bikini wax.
I’m reposting it in BBC.
Edit: hey, where did my “date with Kimbo” picture go?
Goddamn it! I am going to vote for NADER!
Damn ninjas - http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/?t=archives&date=2004-03-27
A Thai soldier patrols as a Buddhist monnk walks out of his residence in Pattani province.
I paraphrase John Kerry,
Wrong Posts, Wrong Thread, Wrong Time. :eusa_naug
that actually is the famous tai chi double punch to the ears.
Mom warned me about the hairy palms and blindness,
but she never said my hands would curl up
and I wouldn’t be able to do it again. I hope these stretchers work.
What the Fizuck?
Don’t ask me…
No disaster here:
Right posts right thread any time.
A chick doing a kick and so what, the hairy bitch was wearing clothes.
Wounded Ronin can post a pic of a guy gettin jacked off and that’s a-OK?
Fuck you.
ok 1234567
My memory must be faulty. I thought she was high kicking toward the camera COMPLETELY bottomless.
Where is this pic? Not sure I want to see it. I’d be suprised that the mods have left it in the public forums.
That was a little intense.
[SIZE=2]Note to self: Don’t paraphrase John Kerry to Reese again.[/SIZE]
From her hand position, I think Daniel-san is getting his wax off.