what if you are a child Rapist , Your comments are stupid and uncalled for.
OK, see, now you’re getting somewhere. Now you’re starting to show you actually care and you aren’t just spitting into the wind.
But it still doesn’t change my stance that you guys were being pretty stupid, having hardly any evidence to praise the man, and doing it only because of his job. You don’t know. And instead of doing what you’ve done here, mr. russ, they would rather keep arguing with me without evidence, because they’re dumb fucks.
That’s what I’m saying.
None of you know what’s going on but yet you’ll just jump to this conclusion all based on a title of a person. So how can you make a credible judgment?
You’re all getting to offended because, “OMG HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT! HE’S A POLICE OFFICER! OMG!”
But, if this were some guy who wasn’t a police officer, then it wouldn’t matter. It’d just be another hurricane of shitty one-liner jokes, where a bunch of middle-aged men try to use internet jargon embarrassingly to put together another shitty episode of Bullshido.com. You’d all have your ha ha’s and then feel smug about your accomplishment and hoped that it would get you another +rep from your fellow cock juggler.
THe fuck is your god damn integrity, assholes?
see thats where you are wrong , I have been a cop for almost 28 yrs. And yes I have seen a few dead cops . Most of the deaths Ive came upon were everyday people most decent folks some not so decent and you know what I felt a bit of sadness in every one.
so before you run your trap which by the way wasnt necessary. If you dont feel bad for the guy thats your god given right not to but why did you feel it necessary to post. Just to up your post count.
I think what you posted was dickish and immature and pretty pathethic for a martial artist to post.
And it would matter if it were a average Joe and there was a woman several years ago who did a boxing thing and died in front of her family and it was sad there too.
So Uber fail
At the point in this thread when you made this post…
… there had been joecos’ original post (strictly cut-and-paste), and then…
So that’s three posts excluding the OP and your own. Only one of the three even mentioned the fact that he was a police officer, presumably because that’s how he was primarily identified. After all, the thread title is “Phoenix Police Officer Dies In Charity Boxing Match”.
There was no panegyric to law enforcement officers. No call to worship. Just a recurring theme that this situation sucks.
It sucks for the twenty-two year old veteran who died while trying to raise funds for a good cause.
It sucks for the wife and five-week old child he left behind.
It sucks for the guy he was fighting, who almost assuredly didn’t intend to seriously harm him.
It sucks for everyone involved in the promotion, who are probably all blaming themselves for what happened.
It sucks.
It’s really that simple.
See, now you’re letting your silly emotions and that you’re a police officer get in the way of your decision making.
Don’t lie, you give him extra sympathy because he’s a cop and you can relate to him. That makes you weak and stupid. What if he wasn’t a cop? You wouldn’t give him that extra sympathy, and that is what makes you weak and stupid. No integrity sir, no integrity. You should feel the same for everyone regardless of their occupation or path in life.
Well like I said earlier, it was that one single post by zendokan that made me realize that everyone was gonna start masturbating over his dead body because he was a police officer, but for no other reason than that.
It’s not a matter really of who has what job or whatever else. This is far beyond that. It’s a call of character with all of you. Where is your integrity if you can’t give the same sympathy to everyone else equally?
Or you guys could just admit that you’re going to be more receptive to the loss of his life because he’s a cop and be done with it.
True. It sucks, but does it really matter?
Does it matter that a cop died sooner than he might have? Does it matter that he was a cop? What if a junkie died that day, would that matter? What if I died today?
We all die, as sure as we are born. To a cop it matters as much as when someone I don’t know dies in a motorcycle accident. It matters when someone dies boxing to those of us that box. It matters to us for selfish reasons, but to the officer that died, he died alone.
I’ve felt sad for everyone of the hundreds I’ve had to deal with before, during, or after their death whether they be homeless, or a millionaire. You know what the difference is between a dead homeless person and a dead millionaire? Nothing, because they’re both still dead. As Frank alluded to, no matter who, what, where, or who else is around when we die, we still die alone. And that’s a pretty fucking sad thought. I feel even more though for those that are left behind. They’re the ones who have to pick up the pieces.
Your latest statement of dumbfuckery is highlighted above. You expect everybody to feel the same about everyone who dies, regardless of who they are or how you choose to view them. Sorry, if someone in my profession dies, I’m going to feel it more than I would if some farmer in Iowa kicked off on his combine. The latter sucks and my heart goes out to him and his family, but the former is someone I can relate to on a personal level. That’s human nature and a personal choice and for you to call anyone who feels that way weak and stupid truly shows the pathetic nature of your character.
:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:
Your one of the biggest jag offs.
You didnt have to post. You could have kept your assholery to your self but no shit fer brains who must be a real asswipe in person had to say mean shit about a guy who died.
So think what you want, your meaningless anyway.
So in closing addios maticon
This is a site about* fight sports. He died from his participation in a fight sport. So yes, it does matter. If he’d died in the line of duty instead of in the ring, dollars to doughnuts says it never would have become an issue here.
- Edit: In part, but it’s a large part. “Martial arts”, for our purposes, generally includes boxing.
That was my point. It matters to ‘us’ because it was fight. It matters to cops because he was a cop. It matters to firefighters because a firefighter may have killed him.
Not one person has addressed the issue of the referee not ending the fight. It’s probably the main reason this would matter to us.
yeah it would , because a guy who was not a professional boxer died in a charity event , yeah he is a cop ok . but if he was billy joe plumber doing a charitable thing and succumbed it would suck as well.
a few years ago a mom of three entered one of these things and took a beating and died as a result , guess what it sucked and guess what she wasnt a cop .
Do a feel a little different because he is a LEO , yeah maybe a twinge because he is a fellow civil servant but he died doing something good for people.
And like I said before if someone dont have anything decent to post about someones passing they should at least be respectful and not say nothing.
Actually, the reason I didn’t bring it up is because I’m skeptical of the claim.
Tom McGill, marketing director for Fort McDowell, says he heard that Scott went down in the middle of the third round of his fight but had “no visible injuries.”
Scott left the ring under his own power, but soon collapsed and was rushed to a hospital.
So we have his word against Blair Roberts’. I can’t say for sure which way it goes, but my own personal bias indicates that with three one-minute rounds with headgear and oversized gloves, my first thoughts were along these lines:
Roberts says he heard that Scott had suffered a concussion while training for the event, though representatives from Felko Promotions nor the 100 Club would comment about that.
A pre-existing concussion will make you dramatically more susceptible to serious brain trauma.
Very sad. A referee at a friggen charity smoker shouldn’t let fighters subject themselves to the kind of punishment this guy obviously took.
This is true as well. If you get KOed then you are not allowed to fight for 30 days. Someone should have barred him from competing. Actually I believe that pre-event medical checkups generally have someone asking if you’ve been KOed recently or ever.
Awesome, so you admit you’re weak and stupid then.
I’m glad you all show your true colors. Fucking “ists” and your grouping. You think that I’m bad, you’re goign to give a hand to someone because of [their job].
Now replace anything in the brackets with skin color, religion, or anything else that continues to draw lines between unity.
Good job. Fucking assholes.
Human nature you say? That’s completely inductive, which means all you need to do is find one person who deviates to prove you wrong. I deviate, so no, it’s not “human nature.” The very fact that I am human disproves your reasoning.
I’m going to let it slide that it’s because of boxing, because this section is for all news that deals with martial arts. But the sad fact is, you are all sympathizing more because he’s a cop. Let’s go back up to the brackets, and now you can feel ashamed.
Sirc, you are right…we don’t know anything about the guy except:
He served in the military where he chose an occupation to protect people.
He took a job as a police officer where he chose an occupation to protect people.
He died in a charity boxing match giving himself and his time to benefit a widows and orphans fund.
While we don’t know the truth of his personal life, we are assuming based on the life choices we do know about.
Well said
You really have to be one of the biggest assholes on this forum.
there was no need for you to post anything negative , you could have chosen to read the thread and skip posting. But no you for the sake of adding to your post count probably had to add your negative shit.
well good for you , I guess if you are going to be a asshole , you may as well be the biggest one on the forum. Congratulations Shitbird.:icon_salu I salute u:XXbirdman
The “true colors” that have been shown in this thread are yours. Your works speak for themselves and people can make up their own minds based on that.