Phoenix Police Officer Dies in Charity Boxing Match

[B]From the Phoenix News Times:

Phoenix Police Officer In Charity Boxing Match Dies of Injuries[/B]

                     Tue Sep 16, 2008 at 06:38:32 PM 

By Ray Stern
Phoenix Police Officer Barry Scott, [pictured], who was collapsed after competing in a charity boxing match at the Fort McDowell Casino on Friday, died Tuesday.
Scott had been in critical condition since his amateur fight with a local firefighter. As New Times reported today, one spectator says the fight should have been stopped sooner by the referee.
Sgt. Andy Hill, spokesman for Phoenix police, put out the following press release at 5:30 pm:
Phoenix Police Officer Barry Scott passed away late this afternoon with his family, friends, and fellow officers gathered together at the hospital.
Barry will be greatly missed by all. His family thanks the media and community for your thoughts and prayers.

Boxing Match That Injured Officer Should Have Been Stopped Sooner, Spectator Says

                     Tue Sep 16, 2008 at 12:56:28 PM 

By Ray Stern
Blair Roberts and his wife rose to their feet in the third round of a charity boxing match on Friday between a Phoenix police officer and a local firefighter.
But it wasn’t to cheer.
“I stood up and started waving my hands, saying ‘Stop the fight!’” says Roberts, a Queen Creek resident. “Any quality or experienced referee would have stopped that fight earlier.”
But the ref didn’t stop the fight until the police officer, Barry Scott, [left], was knocked down for a second time in the third round. As New Times reported yesterday, Scott was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Police say the officer was still fighting for his life on Tuesday.
From what Roberts saw, Scott should have never been allowed to fight as long as he did. Roberts placed a written comment on yesterday’s blog item and talked to New Times Tuesday about the incident.

                                                                                                                          The fight was an unsanctioned charity event put on by Felko Promotions, whose owner, Len Hayko, declined to answer any questions from [I]New Times [/I]on Tuesday. The "Guns N Hoses" event pit firefighters versus police officers, but was not connected to <a href="">Guns And Hoses Foundation</a> in Texas, which runs similar boxing matches.

Boxers wore headgear and oversized, 16-ounce gloves as they fought in three one-minute rounds.
Roberts, who was sitting ringside, says Scott seemed competitive in the beginning of the first round, but went downhill from there.
“As the fight went on, it looked like he was just getting bounced around,” Roberts says, recalling that Scott was knocked down at least once in the second round.
By the third round, “his head was snapping back” with the punches thrown by the firefighter, who still hasn’t been named.
“He was taking a pretty sustained beating,” Roberts says. Then Scott was knocked down again. Roberts says that’s when he and his wife yelled for an end to the fight. The ref let it continue, Roberts says.
“It was completely unnecessary,” Roberts says of the ref’s decision to keep the fight going. “[Scott] was overwhelmed. He had no shot at winning.”
Scott seemed disoriented after the knockdown, but seconds later took several more powerful punches to the head before falling down again.
Scott left the ring under his own power, but soon collapsed and was rushed to a hospital.
Roberts says he heard that Scott had suffered a concussion while training for the event, though representatives from Felko Promotions nor the 100 Club would comment about that.
Fort McDowell Police Chief Jesse Delmar could not be reached for comment.

That sucks. My heart goes out to his family.

this totally does suck



You know, at what point does being a police officer automatically give you all rights to die as a saint no matter the circumstances? I mean, here you all are feeling sympathy for this guy you don’t know, and giving him extra care because he’s a LEO and all.

What if he was a child rapist and you didn’t even know? Boy would your cheeks be red.

First we’d need a credible allegation that he was a dirty cop. A named victim who was complaining, affidavit, police report, newspaper article, etc.

I am giving him the benefit of the doubt as he dies during a benefit charity boxing match.

And if he were dirty, the New Times would have gleefully sniffed that out.

Nobody said that anyting about giving him a medal of honour.
Nobody said that he was a saint.

A LEO died in a “charity boxing contest”, he DIED in a “CHARITY boxing CONTEST”. Get that thru your big skull because that is a sad way to go!

You NEVER SLANDER a persons name with that type of accusation WITHOUT fucking PROOF, even if it’s just to get your point across. Today you reached new lows, even for you sirc, you fucking mudd-dweller

This, this, and this.

Can’t imagine how his opponent’s feeling at this point.

Didn’t say he was a saint. Even though he’s in a different line of work, he’s still in public safety, the same as me. That it was at the hands of a firefighter in a charity fund raiser makes it even worse. I look at it more as losing a member of an extended family. I also feel for the firefighter who he fought. He’s going to have this on his conscience for the rest of his life.

3 (1) minute rounds. Who’d a thought?

You know, at what point does being a police officer automatically give you all rights to die as a saint no matter the circumstances?

That’s a laugh-and-a-half. Police funerals are usually chock full of…err…well…other police. It may be newsworthy because it was a violent death, and you may be getting the impression that people actually give a crap. But they don’t. Not really. Don’t worry.

Unless you’re talking about the pomp-and-circumstance relative to an I.T. funeral…in which case, yeah. The public does have a slightly more romantic vision of that vein of public service.

But you can’t be the center of attention ALL the time, now can you?

::rustles yer charming head of hair:::

Really it was this post that made me think about it.

I mean, the dude’s got a name. It screams, “oh he’s a police officer, he gets bonus points!”

No he’s a person, just like you and me. Fuck whatever occupation you have, it doesn’t make you a better person than the other. There’s absolutely no reason to be more dignified than everyone else. We all came screaming, bloodied and covered in mucus flying out of some woman’s vagina, we have no reason to be dignified.

What really bothers me is all of your knee-jerk hate reactions. At no point did I ever say he did anything wrong, nor did I say, “FUCK DA POLEESE!”

But all of you idiots, again no surprise, are being… well… idiots. Dumb shits.

Boo, fucking, hoo.

Get over yourself. Slander is accusatory. I didn’t accuse him of anything. You’re just being a little whiny bitch.

Cry more, faggot.

Hmm. Didn’t realize that something in my reply would make you feel that way. Never said he was a better person but he is in a line of work where’s he’s willing to put his life on the line on a daily basis for people he doesn’t even know. Don’t you think he, or anybody else who’s willing to do that for a living, deserves a little recognition for that? Do you feel the same way about a soldier who dies in battle? Or a firefighter who dies when the home he’s trying to protect from a wildfire gets burned over? Those people all deserve our respect and gratitude, even though there may be some of them that aren’t good people and make the rest look bad.

Trying using a little narrower brush the next time you want to condemn a couple of peoples negative responses to your style of writing. And the next time you want to call someone a “dumb shit”, look in a mirror. You’re one of them every time you post one of your buttfuckery responses like the one above.

He caught one.:qswim:

You think we’d learn…

Get over yourself, I didn’t even read your post.

So let me get this straight, someone who VOLUNTARILY takes on a job, I should give him respect immediately for? Someone who will never affect my life in any way and someone who’s thousands of miles away from me? That doesn’t make any sense. Why should I give him any respect because of his occupation? He gets compensation in the form of money. Why should I give him anything more that he hasn’t earned from me? What about teachers? They voluntarily do a job too. But they get compensated with money. I don’t respect every single teacher in the world. In fact there’s barely a few that I do respect.

A soldier’s different, they’re actions directly affect me. If they don’t do what they do, some jackoff who doesn’t like our brand of fries here will come fuck shit up. That would affect me. I like my fries. Don’t fuck with them foreigners.

At what point did I mention anything about making all other police officers looking bad because of one guy? You are just projecting now, asshole.

I’m talking about this ONE GUY. THIS ONE SINGLE GUY. Everyone’s giving him bonus sympathy points because he’s a police officer. The guy could’ve been a ticket maid for all we know. We just assume the best because he holds that title? Like how Equipoise looks at a few pieces of papers and now he’s a Counter Terrorist. Fuck, I played CS: Source and played counter terrorists all the time. I’m as much a CT as he is.

This is like Toby Christensen disgusting display of failure. Because he’s disabled, he believes he’s entitled to a certain amount of respect. Why? He hasn’t done anything. I don’t know anything about him. Why jump to the conclusion that he deserves respect? Because he’s disabled? Fuck that. Show me some empirical evidence. Same with this guy, I don’t know anything about him. It sucks for his family that he’s dead, I’m sure they’ll miss him. But fuck, I don’t know the guy, I don’t know what the fuck he’s into. Why should I give him respect? Because he has a title? Fuck that.

Fucking morons.

Since we’re talking about “THIS ONE SINGLE GUY”…

The police spokesman described Scott as a 22-year-old Iraq war veteran with a wife and infant child. Scott joined the force in May of 2007.

-Phoenix New Times

And here’s the cause he wound up dying for:

The mission of the 100 Club of Arizona is to provide financial assistance to families of public safety officers and firefighters who are seriously injured or killed in the line-of-duty, and to provide resources to enhance their safety and welfare.

Based on his response, I did too.