Phoenix Jones unmasked! (And arrested for pepper-spraying a bunch of people!)

From the blog of the LA Times (I guess stories of long-underwear crowd don’t rate the print edition):

Benjamin Fodor, the “superhero” crime-fighter who’s become an international celebrity for his masked patrols of Seattle’s mean streets, didn’t fare so well over the weekend. He was arrested for pepper-spraying a group of patrons leaving a downtown club.
The men and women were walking to their car early Sunday, “dancing and having a good time,” when Fodor came up behind them wielding the pepper spray, a Seattle police report says.

Two men in the group chased Fodor down the street until police came and separated the group. Fodor, who has used the name “Phoenix Jones” in his publicity forays to avoid reprisals, was arrested on four counts of assault and hauled off to jail.

Read the rest.

Here’s the uncut video. It seems that Phoenix Jones has his very own version of kryptonite—a drunken lady with a pocketbook!


Good lord this is fucking ridiculous.

You guys said it was going to end with either them going to jail or being killed. I guess this is the better option.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2615842]Good lord this is fucking ridiculous.[/QUOTE]Equally hilarious though

[QUOTE=Rivington;2615837]Here’s the uncut video. It seems that Phoenix Jones has his very own version of kryptonite—a drunken lady with a pocketbook!


shoes I thought. (which hurt by the way)

Is that a normal way to break up a fight? just pepper spray every mother fucker in the room.

Just seems a bit over the top.

[QUOTE=gregaquaman;2616066]shoes I thought. (which hurt by the way)

Is that a normal way to break up a fight? just pepper spray every mother fucker in the room.

Just seems a bit over the top.[/QUOTE]

Isn’t that the way the cops do it??

[QUOTE=gregaquaman;2616066]shoes I thought. (which hurt by the way)

Is that a normal way to break up a fight? just pepper spray every mother fucker in the room.

Just seems a bit over the top.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, she was hitting him with her shoes. Somebody in Seattle, please buy that young lady a drink.

Apparently there wasn’t even a fight – just noisy people who had been drinking. Seems the clown in the mask told the cops there was a fight because he needed an excuse to attack them.

His mom probably had to bail him out. I bet she kicks him out of her basement this time.

[QUOTE=Bneterasedmynam;2616071]Isn’t that the way the cops do it??[/QUOTE]Yes, but they normally announce their intent before they do. Especially with cameras on phones and jobs on the line nowadays.

Those bitches deserved some fucking pepperspray to the face though. Club bitches always think theyre free to start attacking people with no repercussions, hitting and yelling obscene shit, but not being able to take a word back.

In related news, full Avengers trailer is out:

[QUOTE=Cannon_6;2616083]Yeah, she was hitting him with her shoes. Somebody in Seattle, please buy that young lady a drink.

Apparently there wasn’t even a fight – just noisy people who had been drinking. Seems the clown in the mask told the cops there was a fight because he needed an excuse to attack them.

His mom probably had to bail him out. I bet she kicks him out of her basement this time.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I tried to look for that on the video but “mr shakey” who was taking it diddn’t get a clear shot.

even so there is a limit to how much you achieve by creating more damage than would have been created by the fight.
Personally if they are on the street away from bystanders and both look like they want to be there then let them go for it.

Also can I just add. (Bit of superhero advice for next time) If you are caught in a streetfight like that. Don’t sepparate. That way if somone wants to have a go then he has to have a go at all of you at one not just one of you at a time.

Of course dressing up like an idiot and going out and breaking up fights is stupid.

Unless you do it for $15 bucks an hour like me.

Will Phoenix Jones rise from the ashes to become the superhero we’ve been waiting for?!?

Will the masked crusader protect his culo in jail?!?!


[QUOTE=Permalost;2616186]Will Phoenix Jones rise from the ashes to become the superhero we’ve been waiting for?!?

Will the masked crusader protect his culo in jail?!?!


He is cooler now he is an anti hero.


The ironic fact here is that if he had just remained an anonymous meddler with a can of pepper spray, he’d be a lot safer from reprisals. Granted, this presumes he ever antagonized anyone who might actually bother to reprise on him.

Wonderful stuff.

Cameraman needs a course in videography. I mean, I couldn’t get a clear look at that bird with the black tights legs. Girls legs often look good in those(!). That’s the important consideration.

“Don’t Touch Me!” such petulance. How precious.

My second thought was, once our SuperHero (with Body Armour) got into trouble, he needed Back Up. He should have put out a floodlight signal for the British Ninja…he’d have been SAVED!!! (Wouldn’t he?)

In comparison, it’s clear to me that I lead such an unexciting life…

Crimefighting: You’re doing it wrong.

If he was a true super hero, he would have taken her in his arms, crushed her to his manley chest and smouthered her cries of ‘I’m gonn’ cut your dick off 'with hot passionate kisses

Ah, it’s a shoe. Well, no wonder he was terrified.

Where’d he get the costume? I want me one of those.