Phil when he was younger.

I found these heartwarming pictures on The Martialist.

Phil in his better days.

He still has the eyebrow thing going on.

Uhhh, I’m pretty sure that was a submitted article, and not one written by Phil. The article says its ‘by “Rogue”’ whatever that means. Either way, I don’t think it was written by Phil.

Ummm… What’s that in reference to? (was the post edited after? Did I miss something?)

In other news… What is up with that stupid fuckin’ look? What a damned clown. You can tell that even back then, he thought he was some kind of bad ass.

Cammo pants fetish…and he was young enough to join the army.

Goddamn that’s hot.

Yeah, the post was edited. Originally it had this link and implied that Phil was a big druggy when he was younger and suggested that he was only 24. To which I RTFA and replied that it appeared to be submitted and that there’s no way Phil is 24 and that he’s too fat to be a drug addict (ok, I just added that part).

That lapel pin on the cut off jeans jacket. Is it some kind of military identifier I am not familiar or just some kind of eagle pin?

Even his fashion sense is deadly!

Yrkoon- Looks a LITTLE like the air force symbol, but it’s tough to make out.

Samfoo- Thanks, I was whicked confused.

and being fat is no identifier to not being a druggy, maybe to what kinda drugs you like. phil looks like dirt rocker kid in highschool who looked 35 when he was on 16. playing d&d and smoking cigerettes.

I used to be a Big Name Fan. When I was young and foolish (and 60 pounds heavier), I ran conventions. Those pictures look like the kind of guy who would show up at sci-fi cons, dressed in camo, with a badge name like “Commander StarWolf” and BEG to be on ‘security detail’.

And then would get drunk and hit on me when I told him I was the head of Operations and we didn’t have any ‘security’. We just, you know, DEALT with things.

Is that a bottle of Boones Farm in his hand? I used to get chicks drunk off that in college…

this is how i saw the pics

we called those kids the “dirt rockers” in high school.

I think I recognize it, I’ll have to check it out before it’s certain but it looks like one of the old MACV-SOG pins from the Nam era. And the ones you buy from military surplus stores, not ones you get from the Army.

Mmm, conventions… A haven for those who have no clue how to talk to women without offending every fiber of said woman’s being.

Ugh. How could you take that? I’m into some of that stuff, but when I get around other fans, I just want to stuff them all in lockers, take their lunch money, etc…

Yeah, I misread the whole article. The picture seemed to go well with the article until I read the end of the article. My mistake.

that b&w shot kills me - looks like his mustache is just a result of a runny nose. The jean vest is slick, too - seems like it would have a “kill 'em all, let god sort em out” patch on the back.

This site spends way too much time analyzing this dirt bag.

He’s a fuckin’ delusional arrogant idiot.


Next subject.

For christ sakes the man is wearing camo’s, a wifebeater, has a scumstache and is drinking cheap wine on his porch.

Now I don’t want to offend anyone, but where I’m from this man is white trash personified…

Is it just me that’s seeing that?