Just started bozing two days ago I was amazed at how quickly I got out of shape. I’m 14 years old I got the scedule mixed up and went to the 17- 25 class. When I first arrived we just had to throw jabs and go up then go back for like three minutes with three sets . Then we rotated and did it with the opposite hand. Then we ran up and down the stairs followed by moving a tire from one end up the room to the other. And stepping on the tire back and forth. Then we had to punch the punching back for like 15 minutes I was so tired I was just pushing the bag. After that we just did crunches push ups and other body weight exersizes. I use to do boxing before when I was like 12 years old and I did it for the whole summer at the beggining of the Summer I was out of shape at the end I got in shape. This usually happens every year When I go with my dad in the summer he gets me in shape when I go back with my mom for the school year I get out of shape. I thankfull though she finally has me doing something physical. So I only went for my free class my Dad nots going to be able to give me the money to pay for the months class untill the end of the month. So I want to take this time to get into shape so what kind of exersizes can I do ? Im go at doing things like crunches push ups just not jumproping and running


Can you work out a deal at the boxing gym to keep training and maybe do some chores to payoff a month’s dues? Or if you have to sit out a month ask your coach what you should be doing in the mean time. He’ll either tell you what to do for cardio or let you keep training.

What are the monthly dues at your gym?

50 dollars a month

Do you mean you’re GOOD at doing things like crunches and pushups, but not jump roping and running?

Well then, start jumping rope and running.Running is a pretty simple exercise, but it’s a good one.

As a general rule, any exercise that you suck at, is a good exercise.

I agree though, you should definitely ask your coach.

Failing that though, you could always just try and replicate the exercise that you did at the gym as best as possible (eg swap any heavy item you have for carrying weights, swap shadow boxing for punching the punching bag…if you’re good enough that you won’t be putting bad form into muscle memory). If that’s the exercises they do, they probably do them for a reason.

When i’m exercising outside of judo, i always try and do the same stretches we do in class.

Didn’t we fucking tell you before that you couldn’t get in shape in just four days in your previous thread:


So what makes you think you can do that now in two days? Are you that retarded?

Knowledge obviously eludes you, my intelligence begins where yours peaks at . I never suggest that I was going to or wanted to get in shape in two days.

So I only went for my free class my Dad nots going to be able to give me the money to pay for the months class untill the end of the month.

Now remove this out of the troll section NOW you stupid faggot.

A whole months! Wells that’s lots of times.

Its plenty of time to get in better shape then what I orginally started in.

El Macho your so immature and stupid whats the point of editing my post ?
Trying to show of in front of your e friends ? Because you have no social life ?

NOTE: Original OP post downsized for easy reading.

You’ve never been in shape.

Turn off the video games, quit eating crap food.

Start excercising and try to make it to class at your appointed time.

Grow a set of nuts and then give them time to drop before you start dishing out insults to the adults.

I have been in shape I dont eat any crappy food . What I eat 80 % of the time has nutrional value. You are what I like to call a Health pon. You are probally one of those people who thinks its healthy to drink low percent milk,spelnda,eggs without yolk, and taking the skin of chicken.

I have testicals your really immature going back and forth with a 14 your old . I would think a man of your age should be above that.

Somehow, I knew you were 14.

Put down the cheetos and pick up a barbell, fatass.

Okay then

Another internet bullym people who have difficulty relating to others in real life often assume alternate identities online, thus resulting in people acting in ways they wouldn’t do offline. Such is the anymonimity of the internet, it’s easy to be rude without consquence, and for people who don’t have a guts to do it offline, the internet offers an expressive outlet.

Do your parents know you’re online?

You can be whoever you want online no way I can confront you. So hide behind that display name and silly avatar of yours and dwell on how miserable you really are.

Internet bullies like you tend to be unhappy with their personal lives so they take it out on other people online. Pathetic

Your mean and nasty to people on the internet only. Your a coward and the only place you feel safe acting like that is on the internet.

You’re right. You can post any ol’ picture you find and tell people it’s you.

So no ?

Your trolling is incredibly transparent and unoriginal. Enjoy your stay in trollshido.