Paying for sex. From prostitutes. And girlfriends too, I guess.

So I read “Secret Diary of a Call Girl” and watched a couple of episodes on Showtime (the show kind of sucks). Yeah, that’s right. Bitchiest piece of shit I ever read, but whatever, if violence and drugs can be glamorized, I guess prostitution is no different. Besides, I needed something on my bookshelf to go between “Chastity 101”, and “Saving yourself until you’re ready”.

Until recently, I was sure prostitutes were all going to hell. I’m pretty sure they’re still all going to hell, but what really got me thinking was whether or not the clientele were going to hell too. Because if not, then why not fuck some prostitutes.

The joke is commonly told that “sex you pay for is often cheaper”, of course that usually comes from bitch ass motherfuckers who can’t get laid without shelling out obsene amounts of dough to show some chick a good time before fucking her senseless (poor bastards). Anyway, it occured to me, if you just want to get laid, why not just pay for it? It’s your money. And she’ll leave. Yes, she’ll leave right after. There’s no “it’s your baby, possibly” or “so what do you do for a living” to answer to.

Wang, bang, out the door, mang.

A good time is had by all. The prostitute makes money, and the dude doesn’t have to think about any bullshit after, you can just roll over, grab the remote and bam! Easy like a sunday morning, layin’ up in your crib, getting all nostalgic while watching some Naruto (the original, because Shippuuden is such a load of shit I smell sewage every time I put an episode on).

The inquiry then is this: why does having sex for money carry such a stigma? Why does paying for it mean you can’t get laid by normal means? It could very well mean that you can get laid by going out on a date with some girl, but you don’t really want to, because that would take time from whatever it is you want to do. The extra missions in GTA 4 won’t unlock themselves, nah mean?

Personally, I wouldn’t do it, because I have morals and shit and I don’t want to go to hell. Besides, premarital sex is wrong and leads to infidelity, raising children sired by another man, and contributes to the degradation of society.

So, have you paid for sex? If so, why not?

Oh, sweet jesus.

That’s what she said.

The joke I’ve heard is “I don’t pay her for sex, I pay her to leave.”

Not that I remember what was in that hilariously poor rendition of a memoir, but I believe that exact joke was mentioned in the book.

Anyway, that shit notwithstanding. Have you, and would you pay for sekuso? By “sekuso”, I mean “sex”. Sorry.

Why are 90% of your threads sex-based? Just wondering.

And no. I havent. And dont plan to.

If I tell you, it will spoil all the fun?

Well, I’ll give one reason: The LLL forum has gone emo and needs to be de-pussyfied. Someone called for an exterminator?

And no. I havent. And dont plan to.

Indeed. But you need to say why. Otherwise, it’s like you’re committing a great injustice?

You dont want to talk about it, i understand, Q-chan.

Indeed. But you need to say why. Otherwise, it’s like you’re committing a great injustice?

I never have because i’ve never felt the need to. That isn’t to say i’m a slut, but i can get it if i want it. Guys are eaiser than girls though. Bunch of sluts you are. :wink:

And i dont plan to because 1: i hope i never have the need, 2: I’m poor.

One time in an IHop does not me a slut!

I’m still a person!

I have feelings!

Why don’t you love me anymore!?

P.S. Did you ever really find a pic. of me in tight jeans?

Perhaps not. But those other times at the library, car dealership, public toilets, hotel rooms and that one time with that old lady down the street do.

I’m still a person!

No, no you’re not.

I have feelings!

Clearly. You should sort those out.

Why don’t you love me anymore!?

Its not that i dont love you anymore. Its more so that i never loved you in the first place. You’re just a Distraction.

P.S. Did you ever really find a pic. of me in tight jeans?

would i want to?


What i value in sex is not the physical release which can be achieved with good old fashioned pornography but rather the emotional connection between you and a girl you know. The pleasure comes from sharing pleasure with another being and pleasuring them too. (Just to re-pussify the LLL forums).

Having sex with someone who does not like you, you don’t know and who doesn’t get any pleasure from the act (a hooker who sleeps with 50 people a day is not going to be enjoying the act) is probably not a positive experience.

That being said i see it as another form of masturbation, albeit expensive. If the poor saps want to blow their money on hookers then let them, as long as it is regulated it is a near victim-less crime.

Why do you think its immoral? As long as it’s two consenting adults I don’t have a problem with it. Who is anyone to tell anyone else what to do with their body?

Do you all realise that Q-dot is a whore of sorts?

How do you knwo she doesn’t enjoy the act? What you get from sex might not be the same that others get from sex. Some might see it as just a biological act. I know to me sex doesn’t equal love or any other emotion. Sex with someone you have feelings for is better but sex with a one night stand is still pretty badass.

Worse summer ever.

Whether it is right or wrong is a moot point.

It will always exist, it’s not called “the oldest profession in the world” for nothing. Therefore debating it is rather retarded as it’s not going to change anything, anywhere, ever.

You should have just put up a poll instead of making the stupid long winded OP.


If I paid for it, why not? Is that a koan of some kind?


(One word double entendres make me so hot).

It will always exist, it’s not called “the oldest profession in the world” for nothing. Therefore debating it is rather retarded as it’s not going to change anything, anywhere, ever.

I’m not here trying to debate whether it’s right or wrong. I stated flat out that it’s immoral and that prostitutes are all going to hell.

You should have just put up a poll instead of making the stupid long winded OP.

Hey man, you know, as I’ve learned, if you want the sex, sometimes you have to suffer through the foreplay. That’s what some people say anyway. Personally, I love me some foreplay. Shit, if they made fiveplay I’d get some of that too. Shit, “fiveplay”, sounds like a fucking lottery game or some shit.


If I paid for it, why not? Is that a koan of some kind?

Of course. Some of you have paid for sex, while some have not. If you have paid for sex, why? And if you have not, then why not. It was geniusly designed contraction, of course. Or a typo, not sure.

Yo, fuck you, dawg, high school was years ago. I’m a fucking graduate. Cut me some motherfucking slack like the tailor that redid my pants.

You’d have to be pretty egotistical to think that someone who fucks 1000’s of guys particularly enjoyed your sexxing.

What you get from sex might not be the same that others get from sex. Some might see it as just a biological act. I know to me sex doesn’t equal love or any other emotion. Sex with someone you have feelings for is better but sex with a one night stand is still pretty badass.

See the last part of my post, if all you get from it is the physical release then its fun sure… but may as well be masturbation. One night stands can be fun as hell on an emotional level too, depends completely on the circumstances, a drunken fuck probably isn’t.

Dude, this is some seriously good posting right here.

Or is it just because I had low expectations?