November 15, 2004 – A Bronx middle- school teacher who missed three months of work after an eighth-grader viciously blindsided him with an elbow to the face and a knee to the groin says violence is increasing in the lower grades because parents do not pay attention.

“I want to see more parents get involved with their kids before problems begin,” said math teacher Osagie Ehigie, who was attacked at MS 142 in the Bronx last December 10.

He added that another major problem was that “kids did not respect authority” at his school.

Ehigie said two months after his attack another teacher at his school was assaulted and her wrist was broken.

The violence led to sweeping changes at the school, where top administrators were replaced, he said.

Ehigie, a 6-foot tall, 200-pound karate expert who attended public schools in Harlem, was caught by surprise by the vicious teen, who tried to leave in the middle of class.

When Ehigie confronted him, the teen said, “I don’t have to stay here. I’m going to leave.”

Ehigie then turned to grab his walkie-talkie to ccontact security, and the 5-foot-7 student hit him.

“If I had been on my guard I wouldn’t have been hurt,” said Ehigie, who suffered arm, back and neck injuries.

The teen had been suspended five times previously for fighting.

Ehigie now teaches at another school. The teen’s case was heard in juvenile court and he was removed from the school.

Yeah, how about step back then make the call?
Hingsight vision is so clear!

Bronx is hard stuff man!

Silly stylists.

Broken wrist!? Aikido strikes again!

You know, one of my former martial arts instructors grew up in the Bronx. He tells me that the schoolkids today fight very poorly compared to the schoolkids a couple decades ago. Based on what he told me it sounds like the problem is getting better instead of worse. I mean, better in the sense that they suck at fighting and in that sense are less dangerous. And in the narrow sense of their emptyhand fighting. Since the reason he said that it came about was because people are more likely to threaten each other with weapons than get into a fistfight these days.

EDIT: Hey, Harlem is in Manhattan, not the Bronx.