OK. I watched a show on bible code and didn’t know what it was. I searched the web and came up with this. I thought this was a very scary article. Probably a hoax, but still scary. http://exodus2006.com/nukes.htm
That got me to thinking. What I tought God was going to do. I many ways we are like unruley kids in a playroom. At some point the parents step in. So, what is the one event that would force all of us to stop. That would surpercede politics, nationalism, religion everything. An astroid hit. Think of it. The only thing we could really do is pray! Now has the bible code stuff says will this happen as outlined. I don’t know. But I do believe this will happen. Look a revelations. Any way before you flame away. Think about this. What could you do? Hording food, ammo, or things like that would be meaningless. There is no hiding from it. What you can do is prepare spiritually. As a Catholic, I have been taught that means doing 2 things. Love God, and Love your fellow man. Thats it. I am making myself look foolish by even posting this. What is my motive. Maybe I am crazy. Oh well. But what I am doing is warning you. GIVING YOU A CHANCE NOW. This would be an event that all of us would have to approach individually. On our own. So start now. Thank God for your blessings everyday, and work hard to be nice to everyone you meet. IMHO, thats all you can do.
You may well get flamed for this…but, lets chat shall we, about revelations maybe?
You know that book was NOT part of the New Testament for a long time? why? because it was belived to be to controversial, the symbolism was thought to be to dangerous IF taken literally, like most people do.
Also the fact that John was persecuted and hiding out, did NOT lend credibility to his “visions”.
May be John saw the end of the world, maybe he saw the end of HIS world, maybe he saw what ALL of us are to see on our death bed, who knows?
Why would GOD choose John for this message, the most “important” of all, according to most apoctoliptic sects, why did Jesus himself not tell his most trusted of followers?
Ronin to tell you the truth. I don’t know. I just came across this stuff. Read it and it made me think. I have other experiences that are personal and unique that wouldn’t mean a thing to others that make me tend to believe we are in unique times. Are they the end days. I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. As I said. The only thing I think anyone can do is prepare. You do this by loving God, and Loving your fellow man. My only motive in this thread is to forewarn people I consider friends. I would hate to have them caught off guard, and know I didn’t help warn them. Its still a scary article about the nukes. Probably, hopefully, a hoax.
I am a “Bible believeing Christian” (which means lots of different things to lots of different people). However, I completely reject what many Christians (especially Evangelicals) accept regarding the End Times. I also, for the record, reject the idea of a Bible “code”. So, without going into what I do believe (I’m an amillenialist, if anyone knows what that means), I would say that my interpretation of Revelation (no “s”) does fit with what Jesus said about the End Times and Judgement Day, like in Matthew 24, for example.
And here’s my vote also hoping this doesn’t turn into an atheists v. Christians flame fest. An amillinelialist v. Pre-trib rapture dispensationilist flame fest is okay though!
Thanks Matt. It is interesting stuff. I just heard about bible code fromt the show. My major point, however; is that God at some point will interact with us, and I think the event will have something to do with an asteroid. When, I don’t know. Will it mean the “end”, I don’t know. But what we can do now is like I said. Love God, and Love your fellow man. That actually, to me, sounds like a good thing!!!
The article about the nukes, while I do believe is untrue, is still an interesting strategy that would really put a hurt on the U.S. I don’t think you could hide something like that like the article says.
When ever GOD had a message, he came out and said it, or sent some one, he NEVER hid it in a code. why start? he never hid it in symbolisim, people do that.
As for the nukes, I am NOT an expert on nuclear detection technology, but I am sure id someone is, they will be ablw to clear that up for us.
don’t worry about it, dude. Overwhelming collective murder and catastrophe is “nature unveiled.” All systems tend towards chaos.
You’re thinking about reality in monotheistic/anthropomorphic terms. I think everyone would be a lot more comfortable with the whole “mortal coil” thing if they regarded the universe as a monistic construct. Atman. If you contemplate the All, theology and cryptic texts begin to lose meaning and become silly. However, that is not say that we are not aimless pods of decrepit suffering flesh, at times.
The Revelations are kind of cute, but they always make me think, “What was he smoking, and, can I have some of it?”
And if I were hell-bent on destroying the US, and had nukes sitting in seven cities, I would
a) not tell anyone about it
b) blow them up before they are discovered
c) not bother with hijacking airplanes (effective as that may be)
I have yet to find any basis to the “Bible code.”
Why didn’t Jesus teach end times ala Revelation? Could be because he was hoping the Jews would accept him as the messiah until almost the end.
Question of import:
Who is Mystery Babylon?
Also, a sign of the times is supposed to be “as in the times of Noah” And with all this rampant buttfucking going around, its making me nervous.
> BTW, theologically speaking, I believe we are in the End Times now.
Any evidence?
I keep hearing people claim that the End Times Are Near, as evidenced by all the wars and floods and hunger and shit. Newsflash: there have been wars and floods and hunger and shit throughout the history of mankind, and people at all times predicted that The End Was Near. It was always a complete embarrassment, but hey, God miraculously changed His mind, or the prophet had a little mistake in his calculations, but the world is definitely going to end in ten years…
The capacity of people to put up with nonsense that has no connection to reality never ceases to amaze me.
If you go through what JC preached in the Gospels, then read through Revelations, do you see a pattern? do you see the Big JC mentioning an apoctolipic end like that? No.
If it was that important, maybe, just maybe JC would have been the ONE to tell people about it.
Of all people why John? why was he given this “vision” ? And why the ENORMOUS amount of symbolism ??
I am sure a guy hiding out in a cave with little food and water, persecuted and living in the times of Nero would be seeing the END everywhere !!
Yeah I wouldn’t take Revelations too seriously. Not even all the gospels agree on the ipsissima verba (the very words) of JC. And the gospels that deviated too much were cut from the canon.
I believe JC was teaching and preaching a gnostic religon based on a transcendent monist cosmology. The Gospel of John points to this much more that the gospels of Matt, Mark, and Luke. But the most compelling gospel for the case of JC’s gnostic teachings is the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas–which, for some reason didn’t make the cut…hmm.
Thomas’s gospel was so FAR out of the “norm” from the rest it was not used, many gospels were not used, if they were repetive, showed inconsistenceies based on the older gospels or were just plain irrelevant.
Even the 4 gospels used have issues fro some people.
Luke in particular.
They were used because each one showed a “uniquiness” of Jesus.
Originally posted by ronin69 Thomas’s gospel was so FAR out of the “norm” from the rest it was not used, many gospels were not used, if they were repetive, showed inconsistenceies based on the older gospels or were just plain irrelevant.
Even the 4 gospels used have issues fro some people.
Luke in particular.
They were used because each one showed a “uniquiness” of Jesus.
Each one relates to a color used in the curtain between the comon area and the holy place in the tabernacle. Or was it the holy place and most holy place?
You know the one that happened to rip from top to bottom when Christ was crucified.
Originally posted by ronin69 Mantis, what are you refering to?
I am refering to the tabernacle / temple and the 4 gospels. I need time and my notes to fill this in more throughly, if you would like me to do that, I will.
Man, I’ve already said it, like, three times in this thread! Jesus talks about the End Times, end of the world and J-day in Matt 24ff.
Thomas’s gospel was so FAR out of the “norm” from the rest it was not used
You have caught the correct! There was no vast conspiracy against it. It was pretty much rejected out of hand because everyone knew it was Gnostic, and the mainline Christian church wasn’t.
BR asked…
Any evidence?
Only theological evidence. I believe that the End Times began with the death and resurrection of Christ. However, you should know I make a distinction between the End Times and the Last Day(s).