Osaka: I Don't Need No Stinkin' Katana to Beat a Thief! Only JUDO!
and original Japanese!

DerAus, the ante has been raised. Baltimorians need katana to defeat home intruders (Baltimore: Katana > Robber - No BS MMA and Martial Arts). Women in Osaka need only judo and a third dan in karate.

Woman uses judo throw to hurl car thief to ground

OSAKA – A woman used a judo throw to overpower a man who attempted to steal her car here early Tuesday morning, police said.

“I was desperate,” said the victim, Mariko Yamauchi, 45, a housewife from Daito, Osaka Prefecture.

The suspect, 24-year-old Ryo Aoki, was arrested for robbery resulting in injury. He has denied the allegations saying," I have no recollection of that."

At around 6:30 a.m., Yamauchi found Aoki getting into her car parked on a street in Fukushima Ward, and attempting to drive away, investigators said.

Yamauchi hurled the man onto the ground using a judo technique called “tomoenage” after wrestling with him for several minutes. She suffered slight injuries after being hit by Aoki on the face and stomach.

Aoki had been reportedly restrained by Yamauchi and unable to resist by the time officers arrived at the scene in response to an emergency call from a passer-by.

Yamauchi, who also has a rank of third dan in karate, was on her way to a sports club with a 46-year-old woman.


Clinch, brawl, tomoenage, pin. Ground & pound? Loving it either way. <3 Judo.

Man I want to get into Judo. Kano-jutsu ftw.

You ever BEEN to Japan? The streets are CLEAN!! I mean DAMN clean. I mean it’s a 15 second rule over there it’s so clean.

So moves like Tomoenage are totally usable as there are no broken glass or hot lava.

Fuckin Americans gotta clean our streets up yo.

Man, think about how hard a time that guy’s gonna have in prison.

“So what cop pulled you in?”
“Er, it was a woman.”
“Wow, really? Cutie?”
“She was twice my age.”