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What was christa jacobsons name when she was a man??

Christopher (Chris) Jacobson, apparently.

[quote=Crazy Horse;2095549]I’m loving all the falsehoods being exposed on here, but the only one I can really comment on is her distinct godawfulness in her iai demos. No way on this earth is she beyond shodan (kyu/dan system) or shoden (menkyo system). Her body mechanics, cutting etc are not beyond anything more than a rank noob. If I felt really polite I would say she is a beginner student of a bad teacher.[/quote] I agree. I’ve trained iaido under a legitimate 7th dan instructor. The rest doesn’t look great either. Very compliant partners that just drop over. Lack of resistance and the sharpness of technique expected of the rank she claims.

I have been blesed to have traveled around the world. In my travels I have met some of the deadliest men and women. They did not call themselves black belts, karate experts, or ninjas. what ever they were they kept it to themselves. these individuals are known as the silent one.
The Invisable assasinns. Presently I am doing research on Madam Christa Jacobson. I dont care about her gender,I understand she is a mother, who gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Know martial art rank has ever been known to any soldier on the battlefield. Guts and determination is the key element to many survivors through out the ages. Madam Jacobson in my opinion has what it takes to be the silent one. Dont underestimate her as an invisable warrior. I believe she has what it takes to be one of the best. Where she may be failing, she has strong support.

Anshu Christa Jacobson - Budo Ryu - No BS MMA and Martial Arts