Okay I'm bored, threaten me, and put backs into it damn it!

I’m bored , threaten me. I’m serious, threaten me, like tell me your going to beat me with a stick then rip out my entrails. Only try to make it creative, give the other thread readers and myself something to laugh at.

i’m going to neg you so hard your grandparents will be banned for rep drama

I didn’t quite mean that MEGA JESUS-SAMA.

I mean like threaten physical harm upon me.

I am going to astrally rape your hedgehog … and cut your silver cord after making you watch .

I will do such things - what they are yet I know not, but they shall be the terrors of the earth.

Physical violence always has those damn variables you won’t be able to work with , or plan for till you are there in the moment .

I understand completely .

i will give you a stern talking to…

and quite possibly urge you to go to counseling and seek professional help.

that insult was so harsh that even on a messageboard with no filter it still gets blanked out. its too harsh for LIFE ITSELF.

i’ll fuck you til you love me

come up with that all by yourself did you.

I’m talking that harsh man, I may be bored but I’m not a masochist.

I will bleach your eyelashes. MUAHAHAH!

Oh Tyrsmann, I disagree!!


Disagree do you, well taste me boomstick bisnitch :qleft2:

nah I’m kidding I don’t have a boom stick. But I do have a big stick

When you come in this fucking thread, you sure as motherfucking shit had better respect me. Actually fuck respect, you had better worship the motherfucking ground I walk on, motherfucker. You god damn think I’m just going to sit here and let you stomp all over me with your ignorance and disrespect? FUCK YOU dude, I am not going to be passive about this shit. You had better pray to fucking christ I don’t find out where you live, or you might find out what a 12 gauge to the face feels like, you fucking bitch.
Get the fuck out of this forum, understand? i don’t want to take this to phrost, but if you pull these shananigans again he will be contacted. mark my word.

Sirc… he’s probably not going to reply to your post… because he is now spent.

why would you sleep with him and not a stud like me?

What? WHAT WAS THAT? Sorry I must have misheard, I thought I heard a giant faggot mouthing off at me with something he sure as fuck could never back up, but it must have just been my imagination. Because after I imagined hearing that, I proceeded to imagine how good it would feel to break that persons fucking spinal cord over my knee. I imagined how my next step is usually to rip out one of the persons fucking ribs and jab it straight through their nose into their brain cavity. I imagined pulling that rib back out, and then brainfucking that dead faggot through the new massive hole in his face I created.

But I didn’t really hear anything, right? no one would be fucking dumb enough to talk to me like that on here.

I’m moving this to trollshido.

I will cut our your heart…with gelatin.