Once again Simio I’m just repeating what every was thinking when they saw your avatar…
why did you change your avatar as soon as i said what everyone was thinking ???
if me calling you ugly does not affect you in anyway then why dont you change it back for the world to see just how ugly you are…
yes im repeating myself i know… i just cant get over how much of an ugly mo fo you are… i mean im ugly and short etc etc
but FARRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKK you are one ugly mother fucker… i bet those imaginary terrorist you fantasise about dont shoot you because they pitty your face… they figure it’s more punishment if they let you live.
I see you’re apparently willing to give out free advice but unable to act upon it yourself.
You’re obviously entirely unable to see that despite clarifying in YMAS what a “Troll” is, that I’m trolling you hence, my comments are entirely unworthy of your time… You keep replying.
i like pointing out and saying what everyone thought when they saw your avatar
so its settled then… you can keep wasting my time and i can keep pointing out how ugly you are… Your even uglier than me and thats pretty fucking ugly…
For someone who doesnt care what people think you changed your avatar pretty quick as soon as i said what everyone was thinking… YOU UGLY MO FO
Simio, I preferred you with the moustache.
I liked to imagine the way it might tickle.
I think if you grow it back, it will give you an air of dignity that even nexttime will appreciate and maybe think “hey, that does kinda suit him, maybe I was wrong?”
Ah, this brings back fond memories of ggboxer and that emo thread guy… Angry spatic (toby) and all the other flame/ bitch slap wars I’ve witnessed and taken part in.
We really should hold like a rememberance ceremony for all the fallen trolls, trools, misguided noobs and other poor souls who crossed our paths to close to Duffland, while we were bored with nothing more to do than crush others with the souls of our metaphorical feet.
<----- Riza Hawkeye does not do platonic (yeah, she was about to jump all over Roy Mustang’s mustang), and she’s a badass. That means you shouldn’t do platonic either, Syberia.
Yes, well. If i had someone like Roy Mustang hanging around all day, I would be much less platonic.
But, Q-chan, can you creat flame in midair without the help of matches and lighter fluid?
Can you pull off the sarcastic officer and serious military personelle roles in the same episode?
Does you hair fall in the elegant ‘i didn’t even do it this morning’ way that his does?
Do you wear a hot ass uniform and aim for the miniskirting of the female military personelle?