oh gofd um sp deunk../

neds sleeop tirwd

i lovw yuo so much.

slowly…step away from your computer

ahem…i think he was talking to me…

stop it sirc

stop it right now

sticky plz

move to LLL plz

Heh. That was cool.

No, that sucked.

And I’m still coming to burn down the whole of Fresno because of you. I will be taking pictures at the Oregon and California borders.

Make sure you take the 101. it’s awesome.

LOL, what did you drink - a thimble full of tequila?

Asians shouldn’t drink unless they are Korean - the Irish of Asia. Everybody knows that.

You are Hmong? You should stick to opium.

I was gonna say “what about the flips?” then i remembered we’re not really asian.

and despite my english/scottish heritage i’m a bit of a lightweight. I think i broke my liver when i was a teenager.

This is why soju is so great. In the words of Chapelle’s Sam Adams “It’ll get you drunk!”

that reminds of a great story you’ll appreciate. My buddy, who happens to be Filipino damn near beat the hell out of this guy because he said, “You’re from somewhere in Asia right?..” Then when he was told the Phillipines, the guy responed with “Whatever, all asians are the same.”

The funny thing is this guy was a black guy from Jamaica and when the Filipino dude asked him, “what if I said you must have been born in Africa,” the guy responded with “No, not all black people are the same, but all Asians are the same.” He said this totally straight-faced and serious.

My story is the same, that overused joke in an attempt to be incendiary, except I asked about his European background. As he was explaining I cut in with ‘Oh that’s just like the Greeks and British right?’ Flustered, he stammered as outrage permeated his fair face at my comparison. I quickly followed that verbal jab by asking if he saw my point. He elected to keep quiet after.

Culture is a beautiful thing, though one doesn’t have to dress like them and dance around to appreciate it.

Same deal, sort of.

A Japanese guy in my office got a couple of (white) people to do an online quiz guessing the nationality of a bunch of Asian people, only to be dismayed that none of us got over 50% right. He was a bit haughty about that until he was forced to guess our ethnicity (dutch, scottish, misc.).

It turns out that we all sucked at guessing each-other’s nationality and instead forgot about the whole thing and got drunk (or was it the other way around?)

Asians shouldn’t drink unless they are Korean - the Irish of Asia. Everybody knows that.

So fucking true. Koreans drink more than any other Asian I’ve met.

No, he smelled a wine cooler some anorexic white chick was pretending to drink, in Fresno.

And he’s not Hmong, he’s Thai, and needs to lay off the ya-ba. And the little boys.

This thread makes me miss Stick’s old drunk threads. We need more of those.

Hey Sirc, how come a blind guy types better than you when you’re both drunk?

almost sig worthy

Quite drunk. Alcohol sucks, but it passes for a cheap and easy high.