Oh dear god, my life is falling apart and I think i'm going to kill myself

Not really.

But I did make the cover of this maddox wannabe site, which is basically “write a really bad rant about something that will make 17 year olds laugh and result in revenue from the porn ads that substitute for content”

http://www.mike666.com/ (NSFW ads)

My internet fame grows and grows in myriad ways for myriad reasons.

The cheeky fucking twat has watermarked your pictures…

more amusingly is that he watermarked someone elses already watermarked picture that they took ofme.

Hey he’s in woodstock GA, maybe i’ll challenge him to a gong sau.

Haha. Oh and “your a retard” apparently.

So who’s gonna break the news to these chumps that they just insulted a nationally ranked thai boxer?

Invite him here.
After all, he’s all internet chit-chatting and stuff.

Also, not that it would be any of my business, but you guys really DO look weird on those photos…

Ok, I’m an idiot, but not of the insults random people on the internet type. I left a comment on the site, just saying that he should insult people in person. I’ve seen Kat’s videos, and I would love to see someone get their ass kicked for being an asshole on the internet, it will never happen, but it’s an secret fantasy of mine.

I am weird. Mostly what I am disappointed in is that he could have wrote an article about how dumb I am but instead he simply used it as a spring board to launch into a poorly conceived rant of how stupid it is for people to get fucked up and dance their asses off to weird music.

I mean really, that’s something we’ve been doing since we lived in caves. It’s not all that unheard of.

I love you but…he has a point.


Would you like a cease and desist letter telling him to remove his watermark from your pictures?

Sure, that’d be awesome.

pm incoming.

Will see what I can do about getting that information.

In the meantime I suggested that we should do a lowtax vs ewe boll thing and people are like “OMG SHE"S THREATENING HIM OVER THE INTERNET, HE MUST HAVE HIT A NERVE”

People clearly don’t understand that A: Traveling 30 minutes to fight someone who I have even a little reason to want to beat up is no big deal since I’ve traveled 16 hours to beat up a friend before.

And B: I am simply trying to make the internet more entertaining for myself, after one has been accused of murdering a fetus and had their life threatened over internet drama a little article about my silly pictures isnt really going to get my goat.

“I’m on the internet all day making cash and making fun of losers like you - posting pictures of yourself is making it way too fucking easy. You must fight in a dyke league. And while most guys say they won’t hit girls, I’ll gladly slap you around for a while, but I’d have to wear sanitary gloves.”

This was posted by Mike on his forum… Looks like he accepted! “sanitary gloves” must be boxing or mma gloves!

I would suggest following the Anthony model.

  1. Written releases
  2. Ring or cage
  3. event to be filmed
  4. impartial ref

You make great internet drama, AT. Invite him over here, then beat his ass.

+1 if you make him cry.
+2 if you do it while in rave wear.
+3 if you make him say, “I’m like Maddox but worse!” in lieu of a tapout.

Apparently we’re all sockpuppets trying to flood that tiny little (but oh so important and powerful) community. Seriously, if that website were a town they’d all have ingrown ears and 15 toes each.

This guy’s really funny. I mean, he even called you a ‘dyke’.

Seriously, that’s the last thing anyone would’ve thought of. Imagine that.

And he makes fun of the rave scene. With stunning material about paint and wings.


My internet drama is top notch shit.

Uhh, Alexa rank 2,484,898. Google Page Rank: 0.

Sounds like someone’s trying to make a name for his shitty blog by hopping on the drama train like a talentless rapper insulting a successful one.