NW McPatticake fest: Yo, Rivington! (aka: The internet is serious business again)

NW Throwdown: Rivington

This is the throwdown thread for whenever Rivington’s smart ass mouth wants to accept my throwdown invitation.

Hopefully we can get a largish throwdown going all at the same time.

You invited me to a throwdown?

I’m sure you did not.

You actually invited me to travel across the continent and, apparently, across a national border, to tell you that I don’t give two drops of monkey piss about your demands that I be less smartassed. Then you’d somehow show me why you demand respect with, I presume, the physical equivalent of typing in all-caps.

Seems like an attempt to make a challenge (which I wouldn’t accept; I’m a grown-up kiddo) without yourself taking up the obligation to do the eight-hour international flight yourself. (Challenger travels, remember?)

Sparring is something different. It hardly makes any sense for someone to agree to spar out of anger, as sparring is a training/testing exercise. You just seem to want a fight, but you’re not interested in actually challenging me.

Personally, I’d recommend more orgasms. I think your jing is backing up into your brain.

Trollshido, plz.

So you turn it down. You see how you’re a pussy?

If you recall in the other thread I state that we can hold it in the NE too. It just depends on when I’m out there. Likewise, I created this thread for the opportunity of whenever you decide to come out the the NW.

can i be ref?

vinh: Yes, if this ever happens. The problem is that Rivington seems to have turned down any possibility of it happening and at the same time turned in his man card. Yes, meeting would be difficult, but possible. I plan on doing alot of travelling this year so who knows.

Rivington: I’m not interested in challenging you? You mean like, presenting a challenge for you so that you can learn and train, or do you mean challenging you to a sparring match at full intensity under UFC rules? Cause I’m definitely challenging you with the latter meaning in mind.

Just out of curiosity: why?

I hope tai chi wins


This could possibly be the spark that ignites a full-scale war between America and Canada.

Rooster: Stop using the Throwdown section for dating.
Rivington: You’re right to hold out. You can do so much better than Rooster.

Rooster is quite a catch, IMO.

Yeah, but I’m thinking Rivington would suit, you know… someone a little more Femme than Rooster.

Just, you know, putting it out there.
Had to be said.

Well, if you were challenging me instead of just carrying on, you wouldn’t be making a post in Throwdown about it, nor would you be expecting me to travel across the continent.

Check out pretty much any of the challenge threads here and how they work.

So, again, are you challenging me? Not “Well, I could come to the East Coast too, to spar”, are you challenging me? Generally, you see, “sparring” isn’t “full intensity under UFC rules.” If it were, there would be almost no sparring going around.

So, is this a challenge match, or are you just hoping for some varrots?

Because Rooster is a fuckaninny.

Here’s the thread that apparently got him enraged enough to maybe-kinda-challenge-me-but-I-to-come-to-him-except-if-I-don’t:


Yeah, but would anybody notice?

Well, your beer could start tasting better and medical bills shrink to pennies on the dollar…

I, for one, think Rivington has a right purty little mouth. Now why don’t you two show up to the NYC Mega Throwdown and make nice-nice.

Please let us all know if you take the challenge Riv…and if whats his name can get to NYC. I’d love to see how internet posting translates into the ring.

Hey thanks bro. When are you coming to Vic?

Rivington: Once again you don’t pay attention to what I say. In the other thread I told you we could have it out in the NE too.

Yea, we were having an argument and you kept sneaking in little insults like a bitch into everyone of your posts. Hence the challenge. It’s the closest thing I could get to showing you I was serious on this website. Working out the details is something that can be done later. If you do make it out to the NW, then I’ll pay for your ticket if you win. You talk so superior, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and find out if it translates into the real world. Making it out to the NE is something I can commit to, but I’m in my last semester of my 4 year degree so it will have to wait until the summer.

Sparring can and does mean that. But you wouldn’t know that, would you, because you never spar.

Drop the act, you’ve already rejected it out of hand on any basis. Again, you see how you’re a pussy? If you weren’t you’d say “Ready when you are.” Instead you’re just playing word games and attempting to make it out to seem like I’m not actually challenging you.

Wait, wait, wait. You challenge someone every time you are insulted on the internet? What are you, ten years old? What the fuck, man?