Nothing up my sleeve "Presto"

Wether the fight is going to be at 205 or not hasn’t been confirmed. Also, a not very long time ago Fedor stated he is going to Holland to train Muay Thai. interesting! I guess Fedor isn’t retiring after all. I apologize if this is all old news! I personally am interested in seeing train Muay Thai. WOO!

Damn you guys complain alot. I am enjoying the season.

This is interesting. As some one who trains Muay Thai/BJJ I agree there are crappy mcdojos with Aikido. But I strive to learn from anything EVER. Aikido has taught me some nice philosophy. The Ukemi has helped me in real life as well! I’v seen people roll away from time to time in a MMA match as well :slight_smile:

Bullshido is drinking to much Hatorade on my beloved thread!

original OP:

Wether the fight is going to be at 205 or not hasn’t been confirmed. Also, a not very long time ago Fedor stated he is going to Holland to train Muay Thai. interesting! I guess Fedor isn’t retiring after all. I apologize if this is all old news! I personally am interested in seeing train Muay Thai. WOO!

[QUOTE=judoka_uk;2532775]The countdown has now started to the troll thread where someone complains that Bullshido/Omega go around beating up women.

Brown belt in Sambo? Kung Fu? And she hasn’t done sparring beforehand is that by design?

Congrats to her on the performance and promotion.[/QUOTE]

You gave me a idea! ;D

Omega trains the deadly on innocent clueless women!

[QUOTE=judoka_uk;2532775]The countdown has now started to the troll thread where someone complains that Bullshido/Omega go around beating up women.
Congrats to her on the performance and promotion.[/QUOTE]

This is Why modern Martial Arts are all MEAT HEADS. They have no spiritual training. why is she fighting a guy like that? Modern Martial Artist have no respect for the origins of Thier art. MMA is too Americanized.

I train Chinese Martial Arts nearly all day on chuck Norris DVDs. Sparring is for meat heads. In my CMA classes we meditate and eat ramen noodles all day. Much Like you see in Jackie Chan movies. We also all somehow get better with no type of pressure training at all.

It’s all technique. Sparring will only give you injuries and is a waste of time. Modern Martial Arts only rely on strength and brutality. The soft swiftlyness of a Kung fu fighter is much more awarding.

JK I <3 omega

This is a joke, right? If you really wanted to start a troll-fest, you should have started it in a heavily moderated forum like Newbietown or Advanced Striking. That way, here would be the extra LOLs in having the thread moved.

somewhere, theotherserge is palming his face.

Here is the next most Informative peice I found in it.

Does he still train this clown?

[QUOTE=2groggy;2532853]This is a joke, right? If you really wanted to start a troll-fest, you should have started it in a heavily moderated forum like Newbietown or Advanced Striking. That way, here would be the extra LOLs in having the thread moved.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I am more serious then South park

Really pitiful effort, -1.

Fore someone claiming all of these “sekret acounts” you sure do use new ones all of the time.

[QUOTE=BIG MACROFL;2532840]You gave me a idea! ;D[/QUOTE]

How’s that working out for you?

So many of his secret accounts involve McDonald’s fast food items, and he seems to use all of them to test the MTTB (mean time to ban) here.

??? you know this chump? -25,000,000,000 grandmaster points on his attempt.



(no really I did)

Oh has your IP been fixed? That means all your threads will be auto-moderated. Bwahaha