Nothing annoys a girl more than...

Telling her that the idea she had for a tattoo is stupid.

I cannot think of anything that makes them more upset than that.

The last time I told a girl her idea for a tattoo was stupid, she looked at me like she just walked in on me donkey punching her diabetic grandmother.

This is traditionally where I would post a Rick Roll and say ‘women hate this music’, but somehow I decided against it.

Try telling her the idea she had for a baby was stupid.

Huh, I thought the “Are you sure about seconds, you ate a lot!” was the worst.

Telling her “I’ve porked fatter hogs” is right up there too.

how so? meh. unless she is actually fat, but then you are dating a fat chick so you lose anyway

i piss my girlfriend off with my fonz impersonation with a slight pervert tone to it when i want sex. "aaaaayeee!!!

(the ? was the sexualness)

All that other stuff, they’ll get mad about. But they’ll eventually get over.

Tell a girl her tattoo idea is stupid is like telling her that the dress she’s wearing is ugly, only it’s forever. It’ll always be on her mind that her taste sucks and she has terrible sense of fashion.

It doesn’t matter how skinny a woman is. You try asking a supermodel if she has gained weight and watch the fireworks.

Well, that is if she thinks that you know how to dress like a sexy lady better than she does.

It is important to lower a girl’s self esteem though if you want to date out of your league.


What’s crazy is the hotter they are the more susceptible to rejection they are.

I told my wife that the butterfly tattoo on her shoulder was
stupid and she said “I know”.

However this was long after she got it.

If I had been there when it was new and said something like
that it would probably be game over.

I’m assuming you mean hotter is equal to dumber (they got nothing else).

No thanks.

No, not at all The more intelligent ones are capable of extreme amounts of self-critical analyzation and therefore susceptible to offhanded compliments with the vague insult carefully inserted ie: “Nice skirt, did you make it yourself?”

Ah, yes. I’ve been there, wish I done that.

Nope telling a woman she looks olde than her age because every day adds a little bit more to it.

it is unfortunate that because of that increased self awareness, hot intelligent girls tend to keep themselves covered up, while big fat retards walk around in g strings and boob tubes. ugh.

It’s like the restaraunt who pushes the oldest sushi cuz it’s about to go bad.