Looks like he wasn’t properly rooted.
It’s good to know at least the some of the sane people in China are on the police force.
holy Hell!!
i hardly consider endangering oneself to help a moron live slightly longer ‘sane.’
otoh, had the guy gotten hit, it probably would have meant a lot of paperwork. perhaps there is a justification.
Maybe he could have done it ?
I say he tries again. At night this time, so he doesn’t get interrupted by any annoying skeptics.
Man, WTF? First is a Russian fundie jumping into a lion’s den screaming “God will save”, and then this dude wants to punch a train? It must be the depletion of the ozone layer, pesticides or something that’s making people stupider as time goes by :tard:
if he was pushed off by the police how the fuck could he stop a train??
Might have gotten blood in The People’s Grain Supply.
What the fuck? I swear they just make up the language as they go along.
its how we keep the westerners guessing
So what does it mean?
MBM, what Nezha, in his inscrutable manner, failed to mention is that it’s also how they keep each other guessing.
If he could have stopped a train with his kung fu stance, how in the hell could a cop shove him out of the way?
It is a shame he didn’t die, that would be one funny ass darwin award.
Why didn’t he start out with something smaller, like an ice cream cart? You know, build up to it, and all that.
Because the cop was a “non-responder.”
Probably kept his tongue in contact with the roof of his mouth.
plus the kid was rooted to stop a force coming straight at him and wasn’t going to move in any other direction (kind of like WC training) and the cop (that unbeliever) came at him sideways (on top of lifting his big toe just to make sure)…
Was this a child or not?