Watch and discuss amongst yourselves this killer technique
Watch and discuss amongst yourselves this killer technique
“And now for our next technique: the wedgie.”
If I were really intent on chokin’ a bitch (and who isn’t, from time to time), I don’t think a noogie to the sternum would be a sufficient deterrent for me.
How about if you just started to lick his face? That might freak someone out enough to pull of an escape.
I’ve actually heard someone say that, if someone’s trying to rape you, you should pee yourself. Same reasoning as the face-lick, I guess.
I wouldn’t mind if a cute lady like that gave me a noogie. In fact, I might really enjoy it.
Remember that technique is only for the streets.
Street…bedroom…the back of an El Camino - it’s all the same to me professor.
Stunned…I believe this was serious…oh my…
How in the world is delusion like this maintained?
Look Mike, it’s sexy. We like to see the pretty lady jiggle her wrist like that so we don’t say anything.
Of course! I am way too domesticated. I have forgotten the basics.
We need some Kyra Gracie instructional videos.
Her: “Ryan, get in my guard.”
Me: “Yes ma’am.”
Her: “What is that poking me?”
Me: Grin
Her: Never mind, must be the end of your belt.
You know, because your penis is tiny and so on.
I applaude your wit.
I’d noogie her, if you know what I mean.:icon_wink
Her website :
She also does music…
Doors everywhere beware!
Helping Cat from Tree Kata
I have actually used the noogie-sternum on a guy who sucker punched me at class. My superior base, strength, positioning, striking, posture, subs, and sub defence made using it to the point where he begged me to stop possible.
The Tulen Center. It’s the Portland Poekelan group.
you forgot “cat-like reflexes”, “indominatable wit and will” and “alchemic ability of turning lead into gold”