Non grapplers calling jiu jitsu gay?

You mean this???

Ok, I do Bjj, but that just made feel kinda sick…

This should make you feel un-gay heh…

This one’s not bad either,

But this one makes me really happy :wink:

There’s always the option of being secure in your sexuality.

It does look gay, deal with it.

If you take their back and choke them out from there they might feel embarrassed and violated enough to stfu.

Or did it make you feel all oily with a finger in yer pooper???

You are a sick sick monkey…:5bullwhip

:new_gmorn Out of all the BJJ dojos i’ve been to none have women. That would surely make it more interesting though mmm.

I’m now going to post the only worthwhile post in this thread:

Trollshido plz.

thats easy for you to say, you’re gay!

you don’t know how hard it is to be straight.

you have to be all manly and stuff.

all the time, 24/7, and us straight guys like to cry in public too sometimes you know, but because of guys like Bruce WIllis and John Wayne we can’t, we supposed to be tough.

Don’t you think a straight guy doesnt want to skip through a mall on a saturday afternoon with his posse, wearing a pink tu tu and a bubbleblower?

We have feelings too you know.

AHHHH Cumon!!! YMAS first, then after we’ve sufficienty drug this thread down with overwhelming gayness then we can banish it.

With an avatar pic like that who’s calling who gay???

Oops, wrong thread. I read the title and thought I understood the topic. I saw Jiu Jitsu and thought it actually meant the real Japanese stuff, not the Brazilian perversion. (Took me a while as the OP’s keyboard lacks a spacebar and return key.)

Of course it’s gay - any man who agrees to having a ‘Brazilian’ must be gay. And who came up with ‘mount’ (LOL).

Now I’ve read the thread I bow humbly to this BJJ thingy, which I now understand fully - it’s Turkish Wrestling without the bondage trousers. Am I wrong?

If someone tells me it looks gay I choke them out.

Then I rape them and when they come around I say “Yeah, maybe you have a point”.

It doesn’t count if they are unconscious for the humilation.

Ah, but what if they say it ‘feels’ lovely and gay and they actually enjoy the pain?

So ‘no’ to the bondage trousers but ‘yes’ to sex strangling. Gay - case proved. :laughing7


Yes, coming from a practitioner of the only martial art which requires a limp wrist…

Indeed, but having a strong wrist may indicate a certain predisposition towards onanism, wouldn’t you say? Is that better than gay? They aren’t mutually exclusive, I guess. But don’t forget we also wear culottes when we dance our magic dance, and they protect us from all acts of indecency. :wink:

Karate has been ghayer for a long time, but nobody likes to talk about it