Non grapplers calling jiu jitsu gay?

So obviously theres guys out there that dont grapple dont do martial arts dont anything, and they call jiu jitsu gay even though its like one of the most kickass MA, just because of its positionings, like in guard position, even though it is a great defensive/offensive position they call it gay or just laugh, but what do you do when they say it to you? i mean you cant just walk up to the guy n give his jackass an armbar as much as he deserves it. even worst the guy might call you gay for giving him an arm bar!! , whats your comeback or remarks on this? its a display of the utmost bullshido from someone.

Lightening strike em in th nads and say, “grappling could’ve stopped that.” Eh just walk away, they’ll be enlightened by Darwinism.

grappling is gay, it just happens to be very effective and fun.

Wait, how old were they?

It does look kinda gay

disclaimer: I do BJJ

2nd Disclaimer: Not gay

Moved from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Grappling Forum: The Department of Homeland Security forum.

Yeah, I was showing an armbar to someone once, and he said “he didn’t want to be touching there” with his elbow. I felt annoyed and like I had to prove it wasn’t homosexual. Not my favorite memmory.
Hm, you can’t say there is no truth to those claims though. Never had a training partner who was gay? I’m all for keeping BJJ a clean martial art/sport, which doesn’t involve any kind of sexuality, but that’s not the way it is in real life. There are homosexuals and there are chicks. You wanna tell me it never turned you on to look at pictures of Kyra Gracie or that you don’t think some girls you’ve seen at competitions are hot? Admit it, there is a sexual side to Bjj.

I have a feeling this thread will make a lot of people uncomfortable. Which means job well done for me, yay!

Kneebar. Break leg. Laugh. Repeat as nessecary. Thank you, Ken Shamrock, for showing me the way to deal with all social situations. Yes, I am aware that Ken Shamrock did not do BJJ. (Or did he? Puts on aluminum hat as X-Files music plays)

*is not running away fast enough

The end.

Meh, let it be. There are ignorant people everywhere. I think most everyone on this forum has heard or seen the whole, “OMG BJJ is teh ghey!” stuff before. It’s not that big a deal.


Kneebar, break leg, and laugh like a madman has seen me through everything from dates gone bad to people trying to go through the 10 items or less lane with a buggy full of groceries.

Was just talking not about this particular issue, but basically my attitude in general lately when dealing with confrontation. It seems that my response to testosterone driven male verbal jabs, ribbings and overall insults is to simply say, “fight me.” I think I have challenged roughly 647 people this past year to fight me to back their manliness. Only 3 have accepted. 2 I finished by armbar, the other was a verbal tap from under mount.

So in other words I remain undefeated in drunken Gong Sau’s bitches!

You posted this is DHS? You fucking fag.

Suck it up, your martial art looks gay to other people. Why does that bother you, they touching a nerve or something?

Why can’t people just accept grappling is gay, but more importantly it’s very effective and fun.

Wow, turned down by 644 men. You’re not pretty enough for a gay man KF :happy10:

Dude, everyone knows grappling is the second gayest sport out there.

You know what’s really not gay Turkish Wrestling

Monkey Stealing Peach… ninjers strike again FTW!!!

Turkish wrestling is why my Enshin instructor left Turkey