Non-Crank Prepper YouTubers and Podcasters

The problem with putting Jiu-Jitsu people in a room together, is that they tend to talk about Jiu-Jitsu.

I therefore tend to try and interact with people who are experts in other areas.

Part of the reason that I limit the time I spend in my university office, is that I share that office with retired cops, and we all have a fondness for firearms.

Which means half our time chatting ends up being about firearms, when we are around each other.

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy the company of the people I share that office with.

But, having the same type of conversations again, and again, is not very productive, and also competes with productivity time.

I’m sure Matt Thorton is a fine gentleman, but if we spent the conversation talking about Jiu-Jitsu, rather than other meaningful topics, I already (and I suspect he already) probably gets way too much of that, every time we are in a social situation with other Jiu-Jitsu people.

Remember, cucks. It’s only paranoia until you’re right. Some commune of weirdos living in an abandoned missile silo may represent the future of humanity.

You have to admit that our government is doing a pretty fucking good job of making conspiracy theorists look like fucking Nostradamus.

All the arrogant liberals want to talk about “dIveRSiTY Is oUr grEATesT sTrEnGtH!!!” But they don’t include white dudes with AKs and two years worth of MREs in their vision of diversity.

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Letting people think the drones and balloons shot down over the weekend might be aliens was pretty stupid for a political coalition that prides itself on fighting so-called malinformation.

Basically all of the right wing conspiracy theories about social media outlets and their left-wing propaganda have been proven accurate by Elon Musk.

To the extent that individual executives and employees are “Left-Wing”, certainly. The real takeaway from the Twitter Files and the new Republican weaponization committee hearings combined is that so-called malinformation was an excuse to take actions that were very likely unconstitutional censorship of political speech by the state, through an agent as Jonathan Turley points out, to consolidate power. And the administrative state and Democratic Party are largely aligned.

Matt is what you get when you cross BJJ, JKD, and batshit insane political news.

We mortals are but shadows and dust.