No touch knock out

Watch this!

Now we don’t even have to get our hands dirty on a sweaty opponent.:bssign: …or is it??? Dun dun duuu…

Wow what garbage!!




Oh wait, what? Disregard that, this thread sucks.

damnit! I wanted to be the first to reply…

my friend was standing behind me watching… she just started doing judo and jujutsu… but now there is no point. She’s getting plane tickets to Finland as we speak. Oh wait, no, she’s not, apparently she isn’t completely and utterly retarded.

Tell you what, he can use his chi and I’ll bring a baseball and we’ll see who gets a no touch knockout faster.

Some more wonderboys at work:

The Human Stun Gun, the man with the death touch:

And this master can give you epileptic attacks from a distance, so he challenges a real fighter for $5000,-, funny if it wasn’t so sad… :wink:

I must admit it I love watching this stuff. Even the downloader of organs guy, I just find it really interesting at the way they rationalise this stuff and there “victims” responses.

What’s next?

Maybe he won’t even have to get out of bed in the morning, but will knock out opponents by just thinking of them. They’ll never know what hit them…

Then how can they be termed opponents?

Oh, BTW, What the fuck?! Who… no, they’ve been talking to ashida and elmore, havent they?!

These are not ‘no touch’ guys, i think the are internet students of Capitan Chris???
I like that nunchaku guy!

I want to go to one of that guy’s seminars and just start quoting Scanners:

You know what would be awesome? If someone went to a seminar held by Dillman or one of those no-touch K.O freaks and impersonated a student. Then you ask to be no-touch kayoed and when he tries to pull it off on you, you raise your hands in a dramatic fashion as if you’re shooting energy at him. How would he respond to that? Do you think he would fall down and pretend to be knocked out?

Another thing to do in that situation would be to bring some fake blood capsules and hide them in your mouth. Rather than pretend to be knocked out, you fall down and pretend to have a seizure while spitting blood.

No touch knockouts is real, and has been demonstrated conclusively many times.

this guy is the best at this technique. not sure of the art, but i wont fuck with him!

That guy Rocks!!
Is that Wing Ching?