I Think Having No Small Joint Manipulation In MMA Is Unfair To Aikidokas And Such This Rule Is In Place Only To Keep The Likes Of Steven Seagal Out Of The UFC We All Know He Would Dominate The Heavwyweight Division If It Wasnt For This Ridiculous Rule This Reminds Me Of Ancient France When It Was Illegal To Punch In Streetfight This Made The Fighters Focus On Kicks And Therefore Savate Became Most Popular You See This Is The Same Savate Dominated Ancient France The Same Way Those Who Train Without Using Small Joing Manipulation, Eye Gouging And Biting Dominate The So Called MMA Competitions Today The Train For Fighting With Rules Not Fighting For Street Sensei Seagal Was Once Asked How His Best Student Would Do Against Sakuraba In A Fight And The Grandmaster Replied “In A Streetfight My Student Would Best Him In All Aspects Of Combat, Sakuraba Is A Good Athlete, But A True Fighters Spirit He Does Not Have”
Arigato For Reading This Post Of mine And I Hope For A Good Response,
I would so own the UFC if I could use my pinky lock. I’ve practiced it for at least 2 hours and I know I can use it. I would just setup with a horse stance and wait for the blow, then I would move tenkan grab the hand use my ki to cause his fingers to fly foward and lock the pinky between my ring and middle fingers, then a swift upward motion will send him flying backwards into the cage, from there I will pin him with a breath lock.
Remember not to hit “Title Case” when you paste your fucking message in word to try and correct it…but, otherwise, three commas seems to be sufficient punctuation for your rambling.
Please go into an MMA gym and get video or pics of you proving this point. You as an amature fighter, have the perfect opportunity to prove you theory. Go to you local MMA gym ask one of the lads there to participate and see what happens. I await you proof.
Sabre3 I was writing a rational answer going trhough your arguments that was already 5 lines long when I thought “i give up, this is useless” you wouldnt change your mind anyway, now I’m just going to call you stupid.
i wouldnt be surprised if the french made it iligal to punch in a street fight. thats why grabbing ass in france became so popular. i cant believe you said that Seagal would dominate the heavy weight class if they allowed small joint manipulation. thats like saying that jet li would dominate the light weight class if he could use wires. you are a faggot.