What, no rubber guard?!
Keep reading speedy.
That’s more like it.
Too… many… guards… Cannot compute.
That de la riva guard looks like a groin crushingly fun time. I think I end up in that guard while transitioning from a full guard and an attempt to sweep. Simply because your legs end up in a nice trap. Looks more like a transition to me?
Great now I can spend more time learning odd situational guards instead of focusing on the things that might make me better at bjj.
Are you say that knowing too many guards will cause ‘analysis paralysis’?
Extracted from: BJJ Guard Reference Thread - No BS Martial Arts
Uh…you need to go watch some Marcelo Garcia videos and watch hotw this guard is used and then I think you will change you opinion.
He was arguing about terminology, rather than the effectiveness of the technique.
Your irrelevant and off topic post doesn’t belong in DHS. Please do not make more work for me.
Well, I for one shout the name of each guard position, sweep and sub as I enter or attempt it. I thought that was the whole point of having names for them?
Okay, okay, this one did it for me. I hardly think sitting on your ass in front of a guy really needs its own name. This one’s comedy for me.
Kinaton, I couldn’t agree with you more! Some of this is like the sitting on your ass version of Sticky Hands.
My old instructor came up with this move back in '98 when he was a bluebelt…he called it sword guard…now THAT is comedy.
“sword guard”? Holy Bat-Kune-Do Batman!
I really don’t think it’s unreasonable to request that people stay on topic.
Discussing the merits of naming every other guard position is fine, off topic banter isn’t.
Edit: Damn it Serge!
I am sorry. I just hate this kind of thing. Like how many names can you come up for a transitional position? A single-leg ride is a position, pushing your foot against a dude’s leg and pulling with your hand is just not a position. srsly.
shoots self
Serge has just gotta “Catch 'em All”
“Catch as a Man Can”
Hahahaha…poor jnp.
I bet there are BJJ schools are over the world discovering new moves like Open Peach guard, f4n4n NY discovery guard etc. all the time.