No, just no

Er, no. I kept my peace for 5 weeks, nobody bothers to ask.
As for questioning my ability, here’s an example, I’ve had three people two times my weight, pressure test my bong sau by shoving/pushing with both hands. One of them does Sanda. I did not move. (And yes, I practice my ass off)

My chisao partner on the other hand, can lose his balance from my one-handed shove with his bong sau. He’s 5kg lighter and fitter than me.

I am not bragging, merely establishing the gap in applicative knowledge.

Simply put, I’d rather become the class douchebag than an entire class risk becoming the joke of the Shaolin (sub)systems, as seen in this forum.

To a shy person, asking a question at the end of the lesson, resulting in everyone staying back because of ONE person’s (shyguy) question, is a death sentence. Its one thing to ask the instructor while he’s doing the rounds, and another when its the entire class looking at you (secretly hoping you’d STFU, so everyone else can go home on time).

Given Grinch’s advice, I will be asking sifu to demonstrate/teach where I see my partner or myself unable to execute techniques properly.

Ah, no back talking intended.
Let me clarify by saying, the answer was so obvious for me to have missed it.
Patience is a virtue. That and now that most of the basic movements have been shown, the sifu has more time to work out the “minor” details with each pair of students.

Thank you.

Let me just quote a shy little classic here, myself:[quote=Santa Clueless;2280548]…It is one thing to help correct a mistake/discuss a current drill with your training partner and another to try and play micro-instructor. That is annoying and has no place in a serious gym.[/quote]
No, “STFU and train” doesn’t mean you are obliged to cut your tongue out before stepping into the gym.

You seem to have not read my reply, whathappened…

It is perfectly OK in most MA schools to use a few words to clear up minor problems with your training partner while working on a drill/technique.

It is not OK, however, to stop practising, start a lecture, give advice to fellow noobs and generally do things your instructor is there to do.

You are there to train.

Clear now?

Also, what on earth is this supposed to mean?

As for questioning my ability, here’s an example, I’ve had three people two times my weight, pressure test my bong sau by shoving/pushing with both hands. One of them does Sanda. I did not move. (And yes, I practice my ass off)

Pressure test your bong sau? You did not move? What? (Yes, I am hinting at starting/resurrecting a technical thread in the Chinese Martial Arts section of Bullshido on this topic…)

[quote=Santa Clueless;2280803]
Pressure test your bong sau? You did not move? What? (Yes, I am hinting at starting/resurrecting a technical thread in the Chinese Martial Arts section of Bullshido on this topic…)[/quote]

I would more than happy to discuss this technique in the CMA forum.
Here’s a my favourite explanation/application video of bong sau,
YouTube- Wing Chun - Bong Sau (basics)

Without being too wordy, by not moving from the force, means the practitioner is able to redirect the oncoming force harmlessly into the ground, ergo, not moving.

When a body receives an oncoming force it translates into motion either, e.g. kicking a ball, moving along the ground, or for irregular shaped bodies, e.g. camera tripod, bipedal creature or quadruped creature, they lose balance and topple over.

BTW force redirection with the body/stance is not unique to CMA, from my limited understanding, BJJ, wrestling, judo, kali etc all have some sort of force redirection system from the videos posted here.

Excised from: Beginners: STFU and train - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

Attention Whathappened, you have exceeded the nominal amount of thread drift. Please don’t do that again.

Please if I may enquire on the appropriate behaviour when asked an off-topic question in a heavily moderated forum?

Also, what on earth is this supposed to mean?

Good question: thanks for asking!

Then why didn’t you do it?

[quote=Whathappened;2280900]I would more than happy to discuss this technique in the CMA forum.
No not with what you said a second ago. You guys can discuss it here and I’ll determine if it is going into the CMA forum.

No I’ve been bumping things from “Can I Haz good school” to “Kung Fu is great.”

Thought I could post a “summary” on the newbie thread.
Turns out the answer is no.

[quote=It is Fake;2281061]No not with what you said a second ago. …

No I’ve been bumping things from “Can I Haz good school” to “Kung Fu is great.”[/quote]

I don’t understand this. I tried searching for such a thread, “Can I haz good school” and “Kung Fu is great” with no such results.

If you start complaining or asking why I will not allows this, it was a preemptive No. I’m keeping potential silly stuff out of the CMA forum for now.

I’m telling you that I have been bumping numerous threads out of the CMA forum as of late.

[quote=It is Fake;2281069]If you start complaining or asking why I will not allows this, it was a preemptive No. I’m keeping potential silly stuff out of the CMA forum for now.

I’m telling you that I have been bumping numerous threads out of the CMA forum as of late.[/quote]

I have no problem with keeping silly stuff out of the CMA forum.
I just wanted clarification to what the “no.” applied to.
I kind of getting a rough idea what you mean though.

I’m writing to explain what I do that a full powered two-handed shove by a 233lbs male nurse on my bong sau in pigeon-toe stance, aka WC stance, causes no visible effect.

Shall I start discussing the use of bong sau on Sheerdog forums,
shall I not…

[quote=Whathappened;2281056]Please if I may enquire on the appropriate behaviour when asked an off-topic question in a heavily moderated forum?
Ignore it, or send the poster a private message. I realize English isn’t your first language, but several of your questions could be answered by using a little common sense.

Penis, penis, penis.


I’m writing to explain what I do that a full powered two-handed shove by a 233lbs male nurse on my bong sau in pigeon-toe stance, aka WC stance, causes no visible effect.[/quote]This is silly. Here is how this will go. You will explain and explain how we don’t understand. We will explain and explain how you are being an idiot. People will get mad and it will become a YMAS thread.

You walk this fine line of good poster with a side order of stupid. I used to be the same way when, I believed every little thing my BS instructor stated.

No, I’m not saying you instructor is BS mine was.

This is not a valid test. No, please don’t, it isn’t.

[quote=It is Fake;2281080]This is silly. Here is how this will go. You will explain and explain how we don’t understand. We will explain and explain how you are being an idiot. People will get mad and it will become a YMAS thread.

Right. Thus, how then what tests (video, etc) would be needed to achieve the “Not-Bullshido” mark?

No test.

It is called sparring. If it doesn’t work under pressured conditions it isn’t going to work on a regular basis.

Not to be an asshole, but I am, it sounds like your test is one of the many “tricks” I was taught that used to impressed me. Later, thanks to the internet, practice, and my general disdain for unquestioned authority I learned that most "tests"are BS.

[quote=It is Fake;2281087]No test.

It is called sparring. If it doesn’t work under pressured conditions it isn’t going to work on a regular basis.[/quote]
Ok, cool, I was getting worried of whether my long ass post was going to pass the “bullshit” and resulting arguments/counter-arguements.
Less talk with mouth! More talk with hands!

Aznraven, joined just in time, now to psych him into sparring with me with cameras rolling. (Singaporeans are notoriously camera shy).

Oh god, you just described conversations with retired old people.
Your dojo is next to a retirement home or something?