No charge for killing 10yr old son during alleged ju jitsu

Idiots rarely learn lessons for a week, much less one they’ll carry for the rest of their lives.

Put him away before he does something else just as idiotic.

Maybe he will sell 302 childrens books and become the new Jesus like Tookie Williams.

(not 302 titles, 302 TOTAL sales)

Ahahahaha, you little shit stirrer, I’d rep you with a positive if I could.

That man is a pure idiot, and now his child is dead.
What a damn shame.

But then, everyone does really stupid things they then look back on and think “shit, that was stupid, I could easily have died/lost a limb.”

OK none of you ever play-stabbed a kid with a real knife, but I bet you can all think of at least one time you did some lethal and at the time, it was OK, because it’s you and you’re invincible and death and bad things happen to others. Even when you look back, you still don’t get that you might really have died.

They’re training, they’re messing about, kid does the block well, dad says ‘ok, let’s try it for real’ in the heat of the moment, and where you’d really hope his wife would come in and bitchslap him and tell him never ever to use a goddam real knife again, shit goes wrong.

It’s stupid, he’s stupid, but I reckon we’ve all been there.

You will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.

No, we haven’t all been there. Killing your 10 year-old because you thought you needed to train them in knife defences with a live blade instead of a marker pen is shear lunacy. Especially from a police officer who should know perfectly well what the dangers are.

yah just like this guy.