No charge for killing 10yr old son during alleged ju jitsu


Interesting case… alright, so no charges because yes, it IS a tragedy. He was teaching his son some stuff and accidentally killed him and by god, how that must feel. But why on earth was he training with a real knife? With enough force to kill? The boy didn’t study anything, the dad had not done ju jitsu for very long. No reason to use, and no training in, real knives.

Man, that’s tragic.

I do think it was a bit silly to train with real weaponry though. I have been doing martial arts for a fairly long time but I try not to train with real knives if I can help it.

Wasn’t there a similar incident about a year ago, but with a gun? They found that someone had left a bullet in the chamber and it went off and killed some Karate guy

Kid should never play with knives. What was he thinking?

“Okay, I am going to try and stab you in the heart and you try to block it.”

The father is an idiot.

I remember reading about a uncle/nephew pair that decided to try out a <b>bullet</b> proof vest with a knife. The knife penetrated, one died.

Like most beginners, you attacked me wrong…

You’re STILL bending your elbow!

We wouldn’t have these problems if all citizens were allowed to carry guns!!


Whats that yrkoon?
Does bjj still win again?

You know, that kid’s dad is a god damn idiot.

No question. I’m glad they didn’t press charges, at least from what little I read about it. If he’s any kind of parent, he’s going to carry a very heavy weight for the rest of his life, even if he’s an idiot. Putting him in jail won’t solve anything. You can’t really deter idiots by putting other idiots in jail, and he’s already learned a lesson he’ll carry with him for the rest of his life.

Yeah, but the bad part is that he learned after he killed his son.

And the kid was 11 for Christ’s sake! What the hell? If the kid was like in his late teens or something, I can almost understand them play fighting. But 11?? What did he THINK was going to happen?

And you look like you’re trying to be a dickhead so I’ll just go ahead and let you. Dickhead.

On the comegetyousome page with your sparring clip, there is an awesome clip with Jim Carrey.

watch it!

They should hang the bastard, I mean it wasn’t like he was sleeping.

Maybe it was in self-defense?

I know, that’s what made me think of it.

The proper thing to do is to teach the boy to shift his heart to avoid the blade BEFORE stabbing him.

Uhh… wow…

I’m trying to conceive a reason for even trying this… I can’t come up with a situation in which this is a good idea.

It’s Darwinism in action; now those genes can’t get passed on. Also, still a sad, sad tragedy. Definitely a good morality play that the rest of us can learn from. Be more careful in training.

It is only Darwinism if the father then kills himself.