Ninjas rescue man from mugging

Saw this in the news this morning and thought it was pretty interesting. A paradox- is a larper a larper when they actually do some good in the world?

  • Exchange student mugged in alleyway
  • Attack took place outside ninja school
  • Warriors in full ninja garn scared off thugs
                          [B]                                  A STUDENT has been saved from a vicious assault - not by the boys in blue but the men in black.                                  [/B]
              Ninjas scared off three thugs who had the misfortune to attack the 27-year-old medical student outside their warrior school.

The German exchange student had been targeted by the men while he was riding the late-night train home, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.
They demanded he give them his wallet but when he refused and got off the train, they followed.
They pounced as he made his way through a dark alley in Sydney’s west.
They grabbed his phone and iPod and kicked him while he lay on the ground.
However, the men were spotted by a member of a nearby dojo.

     Nathan Smith told his sensei and the rest of the students at Ninja Senshi Ryu and they rushed out to confront the thugs - all dressed in traditional black ninja garb.

On seeing the ninjas, the men fled, only to be later arrested by police.
“You should have seen their faces when they saw us in ninja gear coming towards them,” the school’s sensei, Kaylan Soto, told the Herald.
They also failed to notice a ninja, Nathan Smith, standing in the shadows outside the dojo. Mr Smith immediately alerted his sensei, or teacher.
Another ninja, Steve Ashley, said: “It was probably the worst place in Sydney where they could have taken him.”

They also failed to notice a ninja, Nathan Smith, standing in the shadows outside the dojo.

Ninja Stealth Jitsu FTW.

A whole clan of Ninjas FLIPPING OUT!!! They were lucky no innocent bystanders were killed.

[quote=wikidbounce;2373265]Ninja Stealth Jitsu FTW.

A whole clan of Ninjas FLIPPING OUT!!! They were lucky no innocent bystanders were killed.[/quote]

They buried that story on another page, I believe this was the title:

Innocent Bystanders Killed In Shuriken Crossfire

I would run away from a group of people dressed as ninja. I would also run away from a group of naked and bound middle aged men with ball gags in their mouth chasing me. Now THAT is ninja!

Not sure they actually did anything particularly useful. The guy was beaten up, lost his mobile and his Ipod, and they didn’t even manage to catch the muggers. They probably saved him from a couple more kicks, if that.

If they see you coming, doesn’t that mean you’re doing ninjutsu wrong?

Still, props to them for stepping in.

Not sure I’d agree. They stopped a dude from being kicked in the head while he’s on the ground, scared off the muggers, called the police who later arrested the muggers and made sure the guy got medical attention.

We don’t whether they stopped the muggers doing anything - but in any case nothing they did required any sort of martial arts training. I suspect if it had been a local ballet school the muggers would have run for it too. I bet they wouldn’t have been able to out run a group of ballet students.

The muggers probably thought their buddies would give them shit for beating up a bunch of ninjers. It’s like hitting a girl.

Maybe they thought the Ninjers would give them teh cooties?

Another link:


Ninjas are everywhere…

YouTube- Ninja 3 Domination part 1

Well, even though the thugs were probably scared off because they saw the ninja garb in movies, it is still nice to see ninjutsu practicioners who at least had the guts and the heart to go give help to someone when he really needed it. Thumbs up!

Ninjas rule

Yayy! Ninjas rule. Consider this an eloquent contribution to the discussion, whereas whilst I don’t not exactly have anything important or worthwhile to add, I am still never the less wholly impressed by this dojos feat of semi heroism in beating the bad guys, which surely must be one for the feats of richeousness in the face of all this other bad stuff which we are availed with every day and on a daily basis. OK?

This feat of courage led Wounded Ronin to post the most awesome ninja clip I ever saw, so it’s good karma spreading. I’ll now have to find the whole movie and learn every scene by heart.