As some have noticed,this site was hacked and ‘owned’ (anonymous people making unverifiable claims,is that owning?) Bullshido.
Instead of hacking the bullshido site maybe some more deciseive test could be arranged: a bullshido vs ninja throwdown.
If the ninja\s are as good with their art as they are with their computers it should be quite interesting.
I’m sure we can set up a list of rules and pick a date and location mma guys and ninja’s could all agree too,hell maybe even some price money?
If my financial situation allows it im willing to fly over from Europe and either participate or referree the matches.
note for the ninja’s:dont start bitching now bout shadow death touches or however u call it,be open to this suggestion,allright?
u get to keep ur masks on…:-p
was bulshido really hacked, or was it phrosts idea of an april fools joke, or maybe it was te ninjas ideas. Either way ashida kim makes for one very funny dude… kata dante is the funniest dance white people have come up with since the hustle.