Angry Spastic, I just noticed your signature. Why do you dislike Lily so much?
Because she’s an icky girl.
- Because she confuses ad hominem with wit
- Because she follows Paganism, which died out along with Asatru and Druid practises. My guess is she’s a Crowleyan
- Because she is an idiot
pay no stock in his signature.
1/3 of them are incorrect.
Like you’re funny? Bullshit. Your spastic gimick sucks. If she’s an idiot why does Lily has a successful business career whereas it appears you have been on State Support your entire adult life, or like to pretend as such. How did we miss giving you your own Village Idiot tag? I must put you up for a vote in the Black Belt Club after X-mas.
She may very well have a successful business career. I neither know of that nor care. I know HEAPS of businesspeople who are needlessly aggressive and in need of a good hiding as they lack social graces but are good at making money.
As for working, I’m going to be in business once I see my shrink and he rings my employers as they want a declaration that I am fit to work. I test very well in general knowledge and language and have more than adequate skills for labouring (as proven when I helped my neighbour with odd jobs renovating his house)
As for being on benefits, as you are clearly not versed on Australian social policy and activists’ efforts to change it, I suggest you shut up and piss off.
Hey Toby, no one else on this board braggs about having to have some shrink call ahead so they can go to work.
Either you are a poor gimmick or you are severely emotionally fucked up, maybe both.
Very well anonymous. Not everyone who sees a shrink is “severely emotionally fucked up”, but I will require a shrink for the rest of my life for reasons that are my business alone. A lot of mentally unwell people I have met function very well, in fact while we’re on the subject of money I met a man in hospital who owned a huge chain of cinemas Queensland wide and had tens of millions to his name, but woke up one morning and deliberately overdosed and came to a day later. But then, he’s a successful businessman and shouldn’t be ill, right?
I have also met very sexy women in there, dispelling the myth of the “madwoman” (although those too exist), brilliant intellectuals, talented artists and athletes and war veterans (plenty of those) who were either conned or drafted and did their service well.
Lastly, just before my friend who was involved in a car accident at 17 rang me and told me that he had defused a road rage incident by running up and the hostile person seeing an ex rugby forward looming over him shutting up and driving off. He got over a million dollars for his accident, yet my neighbours with quite bad intellectual disabilities work odd jobs and get a pension, even though the cases are comparable. In this way social policy in Australia is unfair.
Ninja Claus hates Toby/Angry Spastic’s gimmick
Hi Toby I’ll try to move the posts to this thread.
Hate is to strong a word. Dislike is a better one.
Okay. If you wish to debate social policy there’s plenty of room in Sociocide.
Then why do you keep mentioning your disabilities on line other then a desire to attention whore? And yes your description of yourself does say, “severely fucked up”.
Nope, he’s a lot more functional then you. He just had a bad episode, whereas it seems you are presently unfit for work based on your own statements, and have been for quite some time.
Maybe if you are willing to trade them some of your meds Toby, you’ll stand a chance of hooking up for the first time in your life.
Now tell me again why you are always discussing your impairments on Bullshido? Oh right, disability whoring.
Nietzsche endorses ad hominem. I defer to his judgement over yours.
Wrong. Dead wrong.
See 2.
Lily might be a fat middle-aged LARPer, but this is no reason to be falsely insulting.
Thus far in The_Elephant_Spastic BINGO we have covered:
physical disability
non-existant friends
all I need is legally lawful letters, attempts to train being thwarted and feats of strength (either his own or those attempted upon him) and I win.
There are very specific laws against administering drugs to people so as to force them into something in Queensland. I know that was an attempt at humour, but it fell flat.
Nope, no forcing anyone to do anything Toby, I was suggesting that you would have been able to “rent” a non-inflatable date. I understand thats legal in Australia now.
however a contract requires an offer, an ACCEPTANCE, as well as a consideration.
Toby possesses only two
A_S your a fuckwit, accept it.
Nope, no forcing anyone to do anything Toby, I was suggesting that you would have been able to “rent” a non-inflatable date. I understand thats legal in Australia now.
Ooh, a cat fight… gets popcorn
Ooh Syberia you make me horny when you swear…