New UFC Intro LEAKED!!!!

The new UFC intro has been LEAKED!!! It now Contains MOAR of what everyones been wanting.


Are you a spammer or is this attempted humor? Be honest.

nah im banned from sherdog…this is my new home get used to it! MOAR

Lesby honest!

You will have a long and much talked about career here.

[QUOTE=AlbusRumbleMOAR;2597487]nah im banned from sherdog…this is my new home get used to it! MOAR[/QUOTE]
3moose1 looks like Harry Potter

Wait…did I just see the Nosferatu in this video? Yes…it’s there.

Must be a hidden message about how this Albus is going to suck the soul out of Bullshido.

If it sucks soo bad someone post it on sherdog.

Ban Please

why you such a playa hata

you just mad cse you didnt think of this.