I would like to switch out my “Dumbass” tag for one that says “Semi Pro Fighter” accompanied by a small fist. Another tag that states my style and victory record would also be nice. Who do I contact to go about this?
I have a good idea for a kung fu TMA oriented show or film. A top notch wing Tsun artist gets hit in the head during a brawl, and suffers some amnesia and forgets that he is a deadly WC fighter. Captured and trapped in the enemy labor camp, he must survive until his memories return and he can unleash his wing chun whoop ass skills. A lot of potential for suspense here.
Actually, I will demand this, I have my rights and the skills to back them up.
I’m not sure which to emphasize, my Wing Chun, bok fu do, or the Tiger, Dragon, or Eagle styles of Kung Fu that make up my Bok Fu moves, but really I can call on any of them, I just don’t want to emphasize one aspect of my training over another.
Excuse me?
Already told you pal, use your floppy ding dong. Just make sure it is nice and floppy.
Wing Chun should really be in a separate category than “Kung Fu” due to the reality based nature of its fighting system, no silly show movements or stupid ritual demonstrations.
Do any of you actually have gymnastic strength? didn’t think so. I’m a practicing gymnist, and can do some incredible feats of strength with my own body weight to compliment my MA skills. Same with the Batman, when you think about it.
You just made a friend. Either you’ve got some serious audacity or are some sort of super-troll. Ignore these jackals - I like you!
BTW Phrost, I would like you to pay my mortgage. Also, I will need the fillings out of your teeth to prop up my computer as one of the rubber things went missing and it’s wobbly, which is annoying.
SFGoon I’m glad someone agrees with me. Superceded only by Cracky McSlughoot but I do see some contenders for the crown. Namely folks who use wacko warner as an avatar or sig.