New Martial Arts Website

I have launched a new website to share stories of martial artists who have used their martial arts to defend themselves in real situations. It doesn’t matter what style you study. Please take a look, sign up for the newsletter, give me your comments and most importantly, help out the community by telling your self defense story.

If you have a website I will post your website address at the end of the story.

The website address is:

Fuck you.

Why don’t you spend some time posting and gaining the respect of the members before spaming you own website here. good idea, but who the fuck are you? It’s just bad form to come on one site to advertise another. most people here have websites or thier clubs have websites. you dont see them using this as a marketing platform for thier sites.


Sorry to offend anyone. I am not familiar with the protocol. My intent was to get comments from members and self defense stories. I had no intent to “spam” the forum

Just for reference, you also posted this in the “Martial Arts BS” forum which is for pointing out MA sites/styles/individuals/etc that are BS.

Being the largest MA forum makes us a target for people looking for free advertisment. You’re welcome to check out our advertising and sponsorship programs if that’s what you like, or post some content from your site that’s related to the discussions here.

This site will soon be filled with geeky little goth fucktard ninjas going ito detail about the underground death matches and the dreaded kumite they fought in using chi balls and shuriken. I hope the sdstories shuts it down…or dies.

It’s an interesting concept, if done right.

Impossible to do. i have noticed a few things. One out of three security gaurd in america has at some point, been a navy seal. And one out of 3 randomly met black belts has had to do one of the following. (or his teacher did.)

  1. rip the heart out of a live boar.
    2.Fight a death match.
    3.Train with an un-named veitnam vet that was SF and remains nameless due to the NSA stillbeing after him for killing a CIA operative that was tourturing a prisoner.
    4.Fight 300 fight in 2 days while wearing a bucket on their heads to blind them.

The point being, there are certain jobs, and hobbies that atrack the Full of shit lying motherfuckers. Posting a “it happend to me” on open format on the world wide web is like puting a spotlight in a feild of moths.

Now If bullshido had a board like this, but was limmited to those that can prove, or have been witnessed I.E. Throwdown attendies, fighting. then the stories would have credibility…there is allways going to be that guy, but what fucktard has done is open the flood gates of LARPINGDOM.

I saw sdstories and thought, of shit Shaolin-Do stories what’s next.

Maybe I should post about the time I fought 12 opponants at once.

Of course, I was in a retirement home, and they were only minding their own buisness when I started beating them unconcious with my Bo-Chucks, but still…


8 with one blow!

Tai Gip on his bike vs 30 street punks should be in there.

And that site sucks. No offence.

And the ‘case file’ bit makes it look more RPG than police file.