MODS : this is a cross post from the Kempo forum but I think it’s relevant and you should be nice because me an LI GUY 1 are totally awesome.
Ok folks, technically, this is a Kempo school, but, we are not regular kempo, we are teaching it much more like a knockdown style, with full intention of being able to send guys to a tournament. For those who don’t know, we also all (LI GUY 1, GI Joe6186 and Colin) fight MMA.
What -New (badass) Kempo School in State of the Art Gym!
Where - Patchogue, NY (near Sunrise Highway). Complete with 6,000 square feet of mats, 6 heavy bags, interval timer a full boxing ring and more.
Teachers - LI GUY 1, GIJoe6186, Colin (for those who know him)
Price - Still under construction, but it’s going to be cheap and include access to the 24hr gym Tuition for most will probably come to $90/month total.
Class Structure - Most likely a warm-up, followed by basics and then a technique of the day along with pad work. Sparring afterwards during open mat for anyone willing. It will be an “alive” Kempo. Learn punches, kicks, elbows and knees, clinching and sweeps. I want to get some face helmets (like in Daido Juko) for sparring.
Any questions shoot me a PM or for you lurkers, Email