need help finding a job for paying gym fees

Yo, I am 16 years old and I am trying to find a solid way to make money to pay for my gym fees…I have alot of time on my hands usually so yeah
What kind of jobs can I be getting at 16? gym fees = $180 dollars a month
ignore the style field Ill fix that later
but Im doing “Judo, BJJ, and planning on adding Boxing”
help pl0x

PM me if you want to learn where the real (blackhat) money is, we have to follow forum rules wink wink.

[quote=Kyoku;2217121]Yo, I am 16 years old and I am trying to find a solid way to make money to pay for my gym fees…I have alot of time on my hands usually so yeah
What kind of jobs can I be getting at 16? gym fees = $180 dollars a month
ignore the style field Ill fix that later
but Im doing “Judo, BJJ, and planning on adding Boxing”
help pl0x[/quote]

Many gyms will allow kids to work in them to pay for lessons or at least defray the cost. See if you can sign up to mop the mats, wash GI’s, anything the instructor needs done around the place.

At 16 your options are a little limited, but yardwork for neighbors is usually a good option.

At 16 you’re not gonna make any real money with a traditional job, plus, you can get away with a lot since you’re still a minor. Register for the site I gave you, you’ll find some interesting stuff that isn’t on the front page.

Register for the site LT_FLippy gave you and you’ll most likely waste a lot of time and effort which could be spent training in return for a couple hundred bucks at most. Unless you are already fairly web/internet savvy and have the tools to take advantage of it affiliate/link building/seo bullshit will not make you any money.

Kintanon’s arguments would be valid if you were an adult, however, you know what is always an option?

Make money, be a baller, thug life, etc.

Have you considered selling rocks? You never know, you could have a talent for it. And you would be providing a product that is in high demand.

Usually jobs like bagging groceries, busing tables, dish washing and such hire at 16.

Thanks people of Bullshido, much appreciated!!! I’ll look into some of these jobs you guys listed. :smiley:

I like to have part time jobs that build badassery. When I was your age I chopped firewood off the books for a KK black belt. $25 a cord. I credit alot of the stamina that I had back then from it.
I know that arborists can pay menial labourers up to $150 a day, and also accept part time workers. Just drag out the phone book and star making calls.

Good luck.