Necro barf

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[QUOTE=NoKandu;2168879]Yes, I mean, how to fight dogs, effectively.
Not one martial art, not anything, nothing nada, anywhere, has any actually “good” material, about fighting dogs.

Canines. Those yappy, barky bastards that, occasionally, kill there owners or small children, or gang up on the aged.

I guess, I missed out on a cool thread title, “crypto-juitsu”, (that would be so cool) but no, I’m talking about dogs, not Yeti’s or abominable snowmen.

In case your wondering, I have successfuly defended myself against a pair of dobermans, a pair of rotweillers, and a particularly vicious Labrador-the damn thing came out of knowhere, knocked me of my feet, lyeing on my back, gnarling drooling fangs trying to bite my face off, I would sooner not have found myself in that situation quite frankly.
Yes, I won, but it was a fucking close call, the fucker nearly had my throat. Really.

Why do no martial arts, cover “serious” dog attacks?

Please, no uber strongmen with how any dog can be subdued by kicking it real hard. You have likely never been in a real dogfight.

Yes, I’m fully aware of the forum this is posted in , but its very serious question, ultimately-I just figured it wouldnt get much play in any other forum.

I nearly had my fucking throat ripped out by a lab-how serious do you want??[/QUOTE]

You are such a fucking melvin.

scary thread

in hadzaland tanzania, the hadza hunter gatherers intimidate and whack hyenas with their root digging sticks, even the women, to scare them off. infact its the women who have no bows and arrows many times, but i think even kids have knives.