Neal Fletcher

Discussion thread for Neal Fletcher. If you would like to add a comment, click the Post Reply button.

EDIT: I don’t have a fucking clue how this post was created, someone delete it please?

When you click on a discussion link on article, if you’re the first one to do so, it creates a discussion thread here.

Not a big deal, you can now use this to talk about how much I suck.

Have you considered a hat? You know, to hide your baldness.

Don’t feel bad I made one about Wolf exploring how .org works .

Congrats again on your fight Phrost and I think a hat would ruin your image .

no no, the hat would be part of his ring persona.

hey, how come Kat has a profile on the amateur fighters thingy and I don’t. I get no love…

Don’t be the whiny girl, now. I’m sure it’s just a clerical error.

Picutre at .ORG makes me think of Dana White for some weird reason.

I can’t think of a better place to ask this, why, when I try to make an article or do anything at .org does it endlessly ask me to login and not let me do anything?

When’s your next fight mate?

I had that. Summon Wolf.

Probably 4 years from now, if I’m following the trend.

You can always put one up there.

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did you get a hat yet

I was browsing drunk and it looked like his head was on upside down.

I heard he likes chi-chi-chimy changas

It takes like four tries going in circles entering your name and password and then eventually it seems to log you in.

I went around 5 times then it gave me some admin whitepage bullshit.


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