N00b whines about rep.

You whiny litle cnut STFU

Dude, what the Fuc…ad hominem-ad nauseum.

Isn’t that cute?
Question is trying to recruit another member to join him and Toby.
Deulix will be a fine addition to your “Legion of Tards”?
Perhaps Adam Alexander will be next?

You can’t have my real momma, and my stunt-momma’s black, too, so you’re gonna have to either settle for mature lesbian ebony pr0n, or you’re gonna have to go get yourself a white stunt-momma.

What’s it gonna be, cochise?

Adam wouldn’t be a good choice, he’s likely to be changing his name again soon.

Well perhaps we can start making suggestions:

I propose we un-ban “elbow bomber” and “USNightmare” then add “davidlopan123”

NO they wouldn’t work, first and last names must begin with the same letter.

Barny Ballsworthy
Clive Clitamore
Dave Deakin

You get the drift ?

“Toby Christensen” ruins your business model

Yo, I’m up for whatever, son.

As long as we videotape that shit and make a few bucks.

Sir, sir. Excuse me sir, we cannot have that behaviour in this establishment.

Dude, no. My crew is hot.

PIMPS - Politcally Inclined and Motivated by Poverty and Suffering.

GANKSTAS - General Attack No-nonsense Killer Squadron for Tactical Assault

We’re politically active, and we rip shit. We also get high.

And if you keep bitchin’ I’m gonna have to get my cannon.

You see Duelix, the question understands that varrots don’t mean anything. They don’t keep him from spouting stupid shit continously.

As much as I hope some south american drug runner eviscerates you and strangles you with your own intestines, I have to say:

Exactly. Egg-motherfucking-zactly.

Seriously, I need to get into the MAS.


Dude, no. I don’t play that shit.


Ban Plz!

Are we reaching a point in this thread where hot chick pics are in order?

Please annoint this mess with hot chick pix

Obese pictures

Pamela Anderson swallowed too much of something…

…that better?..

My vote is for hot anime chicks.