This is srictly to clean off some of the shit I slung at VMA.
I wrote a letter to Alex Changho detailing what was going on with me, calling him out on the McDojo, but also offering to work the dispute out and aplogizing for how I’ve handled the issue thus far regardless of what I think of the Dojo. He contacted me, although via voice mail as I was crashed out due the third shift stint I’m on, but to sum the message up he basically said “Look, dude, all I need a certified letter from your doctor and we can cancel the contract, don’t listen to ASF.” [Edit] worth to note he had asked for that letter to begin with but with ASF telling me what they did I thought he was BSing me and would come back wtih “Sorry, that’s not good enough.” reponse. [/Edit] Well…you can imagine I feel a bigger ass than I already do so I owe the guy an apology, of which I plan to deliver in person. As they say about assuming…heh. Although I wont quite hold my breath until it’s all finalized but it seems on the level.
As far as his Dojo goes, I can’t really say anything more than I have. What I observed is what I observed. It still fits the criteria, but, hey shrug Caveat Emptor. Still a shady way to make money either way but I’ll let the sleeping dog lay where he is.
Needless to say, I’m pretty suprised. Apparnetly ASF is full of more shit than the ATA is…or whoever is behind the way those schools do things.
Odd how things work…if I had not gotten into that mess in the first place, which eventually lead me here to make an ass of myself and get a well deserved beat down from Yrkoon9, I would still be ignoring my problems and most likely be in a worse state than I have been. Almost makes one become religious…Almost.
welcome to bullshido. you are but one of many victims trying to find reason and sanity in the rollercoaster world of mcdojo bullshidoism. the ATA is a piece of horseshit and i hope they dont keep bothering you in the future.
Thanks for the support And hopfully, once this is resovled, I’ll make me laugh too!
Is there any kind of site out there where you can go and look up a paticular school to get a review of it? Sounds like a good idea to me, a nationwide database where you can report these asshats to.
You’re pretty much at it right now. And thank you for your contribution!
Sounds like you’ve got some bigger issues to deal with than a McDojo ripoff. But if I were you, I’d check my credit rating. They may put a charge against it just to screw with you. If they do, then you should definitely sue them.
“Sounds like you’ve got some bigger issues to deal with than a McDojo ripoff. But if I were you, I’d check my credit rating. They may put a charge against it just to screw with you. If they do, then you should definitely sue them.”
LOL. Credit Rating? Ruin? MY rating?! Oh that’s rich… Trust me, it’s already ruined and I like it that way. I inerhited the “Can’t deal with my money with both hands attached” gene from my father and have done a bang up job of trashing it already…plus I’ve come to view credit as evil and never plan on using it agian.
Good job. This place sounds like a real scam. I hope your life improves. Sometimes shit just sucks. Go down to you your local boxing gym and learn how to hit stuff. That helps.
Depending on what you want to train in there are good schools in Raleigh, Durham. Chapel Hill. Here are some that range from kick ass UFC stuff to McDojo-like karate. I have check a few out and have friends that train at the other places. If you still want to train in the area, here are some options:
Regardless of whether or not you “think” you will use it again you need to think long term. You don’t want to be hamstrung down the line just because you didn’t do things now to rectify your credit.
Kinda like 401K. It’s free money for your future but all everyone thinks about is the present. The wise man lives for today, but thinks about tomorrow and prepares for it.
Well, you see, I stand in inherit a sizable chunch of change. Upwards of a half a mil. Granted, morbid and counting the chickens before they are hatched but I’ve already been through brankruptcy a couple of years ago. There’s a few other reason I don’t need it. Pain sometimes, but no credit is good credit in my book. With that being said I’ll probably end up eating my words at some point.
OP is clueless, unable to make good decisions. Easily sold on what should have been a run-away-screaming school.
OP is mentally unstable. Chopping down doors w/sword & spending night in boobyhatch illustrates deeper problems than a stupid contract.
OP does not demonstrate the ability to takecare of him/her self medically, financially, common sens…ica…lly. errr yeah.
OP bashes TKD in a gross generalization of one experience they were largely responsible for.
OP lacks personal responsibility, and in bragging about an inheiritance they seem oblivious to the fact they will most likely blow that wad based on the points listed above.
Half a mil isn’t worth that much these days; in Californ-eye-aye, that’s a house and a reasonable car, unless you live in an expensive part of the state. Fix your credit now, save and invest, and live debt-free, and you will be much happier – since you aren’t a money person, I recommend just sticking with an index fund (the Standard and Poor 500 is your best bet) for your long-term investments, and, since credit cards are a problem for you, living a cash-only life.
Talk to a lawyer; there are limitations on what a contract such as the one you signed can demand, and $7000 sounds more than a bit excessive. You can probably parlay the amount down, and might be able to make a case for fraud and/or coersion. Stick it to them as hard as they’re trying to stick it to you.
Who the fuck just neg repped me? Who’s the slimy little communist shit, twinkle toed cocksucker who just signed his own death warrant? Nobody, huh? The fairy fucking godmother neg repped me! OUT-FUCKING-STANDING! I will flame you all until you fucking die! I will flame you all until your assholes are sucking buttermilk!
Was it YOU, you scroungy little fuck?
You little piece of shit, you look like a fucking worm. I bet it was you!