My problem with reading "The Rules"

Hello everyone this is my first post so im going to just cut to the chase. I believe two months ago my Karate school has a tournament hosted by “TKD” people. So I went like any good martial artist would and at first I didnt think anything of it. So the tournament goes on and im waiting with friends to start our rank so we watched others spar and I couldnt believe my eyes. There were little kids with TKD blacks belts second degree I might recall no younger than 8 yrs old. So we watched they each fell down when sparring one got kicked in the groin. Sad sad match. But anyways there’s a good chunk im leaving out of this but im skipping over the weapons,kata,and mat work. Its just more ridiculousness. Well its my turn to spar after me and a few other guys from other schools waited to spar. We were last group so it took them about 1-3 hours to get to us. So Im sparring this red belt im a brown belt in karate and my school does NOT do point sparring we do continous sparring how it should be. Anyways were “sparring” A.K.A high speed tag crap. And then WHACK! I accidently did a turning heel kick to the corner of his nose they turn me around to wait for his injury to stop. Took 5 minutes for his blood to stop. So anyways he won the match I felt pity so I gave him the fight. Didnt care at all about the trophies just love the competition but I did win three trophies. But to wrap it all up in a nutshell The tournament was unorganized,the sparring wasnt what I am used to and im used to punching/kicking people in the head/body. Oh I forgot if this doesnt just hit a nerve I dont know what will. A “TKD” Grandmaster showed up HE WAS 40!!! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIDO IS THAT! So yeah was only my second tournament wasnt terrible but wasnt amazing. All but one TKD Were Mcdojos from what ive seen. So tell me what you think and if you had any experiences like this. Wish they had actual karate tournaments.

[QUOTE=Ou8atjoes;2642327]Hello everyone this is my first post so im going to just cut to the chase. I believe two months ago my Karate school has a tournament hosted by “TKD” people. So I went like any good martial artist would and at first I didnt think anything of it. So the tournament goes on and im waiting with friends to start our rank so we watched others spar and I couldnt believe my eyes. There were little kids with TKD blacks belts second degree I might recall no younger than 8 yrs old. So we watched they each fell down when sparring one got kicked in the groin. Sad sad match. But anyways there’s a good chunk im leaving out of this but im skipping over the weapons,kata,and mat work. Its just more ridiculousness. Well its my turn to spar after me and a few other guys from other schools waited to spar. We were last group so it took them about 1-3 hours to get to us. So Im sparring this red belt im a brown belt in karate and my school does NOT do point sparring we do continous sparring how it should be. Anyways were “sparring” A.K.A high speed tag crap. And then WHACK! I accidently did a turning heel kick to the corner of his nose they turn me around to wait for his injury to stop. Took 5 minutes for his blood to stop. So anyways he won the match I felt pity so I gave him the fight. Didnt care at all about the trophies just love the competition but I did win three trophies. But to wrap it all up in a nutshell The tournament was unorganized,the sparring wasnt what I am used to and im used to punching/kicking people in the head/body. Oh I forgot if this doesnt just hit a nerve I dont know what will. A “TKD” Grandmaster showed up HE WAS 40!!! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIDO IS THAT! So yeah was only my second tournament wasnt terrible but wasnt amazing. All but one TKD Were Mcdojos from what ive seen. So tell me what you think and if you had any experiences like this. Wish they had actual karate tournaments.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to the site. It is customary for your first post to be an introduction in newbietown, where you let us know a little about yourself and your martial experiences etc.

Also be sure to read the stickies before posting in a forum (they’re the threads that start with ou8atjoes READ ME!). you’ve posted in the Fraud investigation forum, which is heavily moderated and is intended for investigations of specific fraud. Your thread is probably better suited in YMAS or, as you are new, newbietown.


It Wasnt accepting posts not to mention alot of it was bs so I thought it belonged here sorry if it didnt.

Am I going to get banned for this plus how do I remove Post I made so I can move it.

Basically what the title says

I know nothing about programming but would it be possible to have warning message for people to show up when they post in MABS, say if they have under 10 posts?

I.e A warning message pops up before the post is submitted saying ‘Have you read the rules?’ etc. Then they can choose submit or cancel.

This might be a huge pain in the ass to do, just a suggestion.

For future reference, in descending order of seriousness/moderation;
MABS - Fraud Investigation, such as a instructor’s fraudulent claim of rank or lineage etc.
Technical Forums - post specific questions regarding a training or fighting technique.
KMA/JMA Forums - questions or points of interest relating specifically to martial arts of those genres.
YMAS - general discussion about martial arts related stuff and general BS. Low moderation in this one.
Just be sure to read the stickies, they will tell you everything you need to know before posting.

Moved from MABS.

[QUOTE=Ded Morose;2642347]I know nothing about programming but would it be possible to have warning message for people to show up when they post in MABS, say if they have under 10 posts?

I.e A warning message pops up before the post is submitted saying ‘Have you read the rules?’ etc. Then they can choose submit or cancel.

This might be a huge pain in the ass to do, just a suggestion.[/QUOTE]

Your avatar is the most disturbing I have seen so far, I am having to wash out my memory with bleach.

[QUOTE=Bneterasedmynam;2642479]Your avatar is the most disturbing I have seen so far, I am having to wash out my memory with bleach.[/QUOTE]

There was a couple I was choosing from, that one seemed the most tame. I didn’t want to bring the board into disrepute.