My post count is higher than Cracky's?!?!




Subtract the one’s that were either helpful or un-biased. You need to compare apples to apples.

Have they applied the Grothendieck’s Galois "cocktucker " theory yet?

Is this better?

can we tell him “STFU NOOB” now?

You bastards…give him back his posts! GIVE HIM BACK HIS POSTS!

That’s a LOT of rep for three posts…

Worried it’ll happen to you, Vince? :XXspam:

It was an Evil Dead 2 reference. Some people just don’t appreciate the classics…
Anyway, so what? Many posts, few posts, red varrots, green varrots, it’s just text on a screen.

Someone had some mad mancrushing-gina pushups that they did to give him that many.:phil:

you rule.

2 posts???


STFU No0b. Someone had to :5bowtie:
